Assertive Communication 1
What is assertive communication?Assertive communication is the ability to express positive and negative ideas and feelings in an open, honest and direct way. It recognises our rights whilst still respecting the rights of others. It allows us to take responsibility for ourselves and our actions without judging or blaming other people. And it allows us to constructively confront and find a mutually satisfying solution where conflict exists.
So why use assertive communication?
All of us use assertive behaviour at times... quite often when we feel vulnerable or unsure of ourselves we may resort to submissive, manipulative or aggressive behaviour.
Yet being trained in assertive communication actually increases the appropriate use of this sort of behaviour. It enables us to swap old behaviour patterns for a more positive approach to life.
The advantages of assertive communication
There are many advantages of assertive communication, most notably these:
- It helps us feel good about ourselves and others
- It leads to the development of mutual respect with others
- It increases our self-esteem
- It helps us achieve our goals
- It minimises hurting and alienating other people
- It reduces anxiety
- It protects us from being taken advantage of by others
- It enables us to make decisions and free choices in life
- It enables us to express, both verbally and non-verbally, a wide range of feelings and thoughts, both positive and negative
Disadvantages of assertive communication
Others may not approve of this style of communication, or may not approve of the views you express. Also, having a healthy regard for another person's rights means that you won't always get what YOU want. You may also find out that you were wrong about a viewpoint that you held. But most importantly, as mentioned earlier, it involves the risk that others may not understand and therefore not accept this style of communication.
What assertive communication is not...
Assertive communication is definitely NOT a lifestyle! It's NOT a guarantee that you will get what you want. It's definitely NOT an acceptable style of communication with everyone, but at least it's NOT being aggressive.
But it IS about choice
Four behavioural choices
There are, as I see it, four choices you can make about which style of communication you can employ. These types are:
direct aggression: bossy, arrogant, bulldozing, intolerant, opinionated, and overbearing
indirect aggression: sarcastic, deceiving, ambiguous, insinuating, manipulative, and guilt-inducing
submissive: wailing, moaning, helpless, passive, indecisive, and apologetic
assertive: direct, honest, accepting, responsible, and spontaneous
Characteristics of assertive communication
There are six main characteristics of assertive communication. These are:
- eye contact: demonstrates interest, shows sincerity
- body posture: congruent body language will improve the significance of the message
- gestures: appropriate gestures help to add emphasis
- voice: a level, well modulated tone is more convincing and acceptable, and is not intimidating
- timing: use your judgement to maximise receptivity and impact
- content: how, where and when you choose to comment is probably more important than WHAT you say
Part of being assertive involves the ability to appropriately express your needs and feelings. You can accomplish this by using "I" statements. These indicate ownership, do not attribute blame, focuses on behaviour, identifies the effect of behaviour, is direcdt and honest, and contributes to the growth of your relationship with each other.
Strong "I" statements have three specific elements:
- Behaviour
- Feeling
- Tangible effect (consequence to you)
Six techniques for assertive communication
There are six assertive techniques - let's look at each of them in turn.
1. Behaviour Rehearsal: which is literally practising how you want to look and sound. It is a very useful technique when you first want to use "I" statements, as it helps dissipate any emotion associated with an experience and allows you to accurately identify the behaviour you wish to confront.
2. Repeated Assertion (the 'broken record'): this technique allows you to feel comfortable by ignoring manipulative verbal side traps, argumentative baiting and irrelevant logic while sticking to your point. To most effectively use this technique use calm repetition, and say what you want and stay focused on the issue. You'll find that there is no need to rehearse this technique, and no need to 'hype yourself up' to deal with others.
"I would like to show you some of our products"
"No thank you, I'm not interested"
"I really have a great range to offer you"
"That may be true, but I'm not interested at the moment"
"Is there someone else here who would be interested?"
"I don't want any of these products"
"Okay, would you take this brochure and think about it?"
"Yes, I will take a brochure"
"Thank you"
"You're welcome"
3. Fogging: this technique allows you to receive criticism comfortably, without getting anxious or defensive, and without rewarding manipulative criticism. To do this you need to acknowledge the criticism, agree that there may be some truth to what they say, but remain the judge of your choice of action. An example of this could be, "I agree that there are probably times when I don't give you answers to your questions.
4. Negative enquiry: this technique seeks out criticism about yourself in close relationships by prompting the expression of honest, negative feelings to improve communication. To use if effectively you need to listen for critical comments, clarify your understanding of those criticisms, use the information if it will be helpful or ignore the information if it is manipulative. An example of this technique would be, "So you think/believe that I am not interested?"
5. Negative assertion: this technique lets you look more comfortably at negatives in your own behaviour or personality without feeling defensive or anxious, this also reduces your critics' hostility. You should accept your errors or faults, but not apologise. Instead, tentatively and sympathetically agree with hostile criticism of your negative qualities. An example would be, "Yes, you're right. I don't always listen closely to what you have to say."
6. Workable compromise: when you feel that your self-respect is not in question, consider a workable compromise with the other person. You can always bargain for your material goals unless the compromise affects your personal feelings of self-respect. However, if the end goal involves a matter of your self-worth and self-respect, THERE CAN BE NO COMPROMISE. An example of this technique would be, "I understand that you have a need to talk and I need to finish what I'm doing. So what about meeting in half an hour?"
Assertive communication – 10 Tips
2. Communicate your needs without excuses or disclaimers at the beginning, such as “well, this may not really be important” or “I may be making a big deal out of nothing”.
3. Speak clearly and concisely. Remember “less is more”. When we keep on talking we often start to make excuses, contradict ourselves and give others lots of ammunition for arguing us out of our opinion if they want.
4. Say what you mean. Avoid hinting and “beating around the bush”. Others cannot read your mind. You need to ask for what you want. If you have a sore back and want a back rub, ask for it. Simply complaining about having a sore back may not achieve your goal of getting a back rub.
5. Speak in a firm and calm voice.
6. Describe how you see the current situation and how you would like it to be different.
7. Express your feelings without judgment or justification. Your feelings are always valid whether others agree with them or not. They simply need to be expressed in an appropriate and respectful manner.
8. Own your opinion, feelings and wants by using “I” statements. Avoid using “you” and “we”. Other may feel like you are talking for them or accusing them, such as “You made me angry”.
9. Maintain direct eye contact. This does not mean staring. It is okay to glance away. When you look at people as you are talking with them, they know you are confident about what you are saying and that it is important.
10. When you are first assertive it can be challenging to come up with how to say something assertively. The wording is unfamiliar. Below are some statements that you might use. This is certainly not an exhaustive list, but simply some options to help start you off: I don’t want to…, I feel uncomfortable about…, I have an issue I want to talk to you about, I don’t appreciate that…, I see it differently, I have a problem with that, it is important to me, in my opinion…, no, thank you, yes, I do mind, I think we should discuss this, when are you available to talk about this?
Assertive Communication 2
Do you have trouble saying no, even when you really should?Do you feel like people walk all over you?
Do you have trouble keeping your temper under control?
If you answered yes to any of the above questions, you might find it really helpful to learn about assertive communication. Read on …
I. What is Assertiveness?
Assertiveness is the ability to honestly express your opinions, feelings, attitudes, and rights, without undue anxiety, in a way that doesn't infringe on the rights of others.- It's not aggressiveness, it's a middle ground between being a bully and a doormat.
- It's dependent on a feeling of self-efficacy, a sense that if you behave in a certain way, something predictable will occur.
- Where does non-assertive behavior come from? Many of us are taught that we should always please and/or defer to others, that it is not nice to consider our own needs above those of others, or that we shouldn't "make waves", that if someone says or does something that we don't like, we should just be quiet and try to stay away from that person in the future.
II. Why is Assertiveness Important?
If you don't know how to be assertive, you might experience --
- Depression. From anger turned inward, a sense of being helpless, hopeless, with no control over your life.
- Resentment. Anger at others for manipulating or taking advantage of me.
- Frustration. How could I be such a wimp? Why did I let someone victimize me?
- Temper/violence.
If you can't express anger appropriately, it builds up until it blows
. - Anxiety, which leads to avoidance. If you begin to avoid situations or people that you know will make you uncomfortable, you may miss out on fun activities, job opportunities, relationships, and lots of other good stuff.
- Poor relationships of all kinds. Non-assertive people are often unable to express emotions of any kind, negative OR positive. It's murder for a relationship when the partners can't tell each other what they want and need and how the other person affects them. No one is a mind reader. The same is true for friendships and work relationships.
- Physical complaints. Headaches, ulcers, high blood pressure. We all know what stress does to our bodies, and assertiveness, when it becomes a habit, is a great stress reliever.
- Parenting problems. Kids are born knowing how to test the limits their parents set for them. If parents aren't assertive and firm, their kids will walk all over them!
A note about selective assertiveness:
Most people find it easier to be assertive in some situations than in others. This makes perfect sense. It's a lot easier to hold your ground with a stranger than with someone you love who might get angry if you express your true feelings. But the more important the relationship is to you, the more important it is to be assertive. Assertive behaviors lead to increased respect from others, their willingness to see you as a person who respects him/herself, a worthwhile person, a more loveable person!Is assertiveness always the best way to go? Before you decide to act assertively in a given situation, you have to decide if you can live with the consequences. Although assertive behavior usually will result in a positive response, some people might react negatively to it. For example, if your boss is completely unreasonable and is known to go ballistic if anyone dares question his orders, even non-aggressive, respectful, assertive behavior might set him off and you could lose your job. If that's your situation, then you may decide you can't afford to be assertive, and learn other stress management techniques.
Setting the stage: If you're planning to
try assertive behavior, remember that the other person is used to your behaving
in a certain way, and may be thrown for a loop or thoroughly confused when you
change your communication style. Why not tell the other person up front what
you're trying to do? It helps to choose a peaceful moment for this. Then you
might say something like
"I need to tell you something and I'd like
you to hear me out before you comment. I've noticed lately that after we've
been working on a project together, I find myself feeling frustrated and
overwhelmed. I've been thinking about it and I've realized that I often go
along with your ideas, without insisting on considering some of my ideas as
well, because I'm afraid of upsetting you. From now on I'm going to try
something different. When I start to get those frustrated feelings, I'm going
to ask that we stop before making a final decision and be sure we have
considered all the options. I know that will be a change for you, but I really
think it's fair and I know I'll do a better job and feel better about myself if
I can tell you about my ideas." How can anyone argue with that statement?
III. Techniques:
Okay, here's another example of an assertive communication. Read it, and then we'll discuss the different parts of it."I've noticed that whenever we're preparing to go somewhere, you start rushing me to finish dressing as soon as you're ready, even if it's not yet the time we had planned to leave. I know you get anxious when you're all ready to go and I'm not, but when you do that, I get all flustered and take even more time. By the time we get in the car, we're mad at each other and not much in the mood to have a good time. From now on, let's be sure we know what time we want to leave, and if you're ready before I am, will you please just go to another room and read the paper or watch TV? From now on, if you come into the bedroom or bathroom before it's time to leave and start asking me to hurry up, I'm just going to remind you of the time, ask you to go to another room, and close the door until I'm ready. I know this is going to seem weird at first, but I bet we'll enjoy our outings a lot more over the long run."
A: There are three parts of each assertive intervention:
- empathy/validation: Try to say something that shows your understanding of the other person's feelings. This shows them that you're not trying to pick a fight, and it takes the wind out of their sails. From the above example, "I know that you get anxious when you're all ready to go and I'm not … ."
- statement of problem: This piece describes your difficulty/dissatisfaction, tells why you need something to change. For example, "… but when you do that, I get all flustered and take even more time. By the time we get in the car, we're mad at each other and not much in the mood to have a good time."
- statement of what you want: This is a specific request for a specific change in the other person's behavior. For example, "From now on, let's be sure we know what time we want to leave, and if you're ready before I am, will you please just go to another room and read the paper or watch TV?"
B: How to be effectively assertive:
- Use assertive body language. Face the other person, stand or sit straight, don't use dismissive gestures, be sure you have a pleasant, but serious facial expression, keep your voice calm and soft, not whiney or abrasive.
- Use "I" statements. Keep the focus on the problem you're having, not on accusing or blaming the other person. Example: "I'd like to be able to tell my stories without interruption." instead of "You're always interrupting my stories!"
- Use facts, not judgments. Example: "Your punctuation needs work and your formatting is inconsistent" instead of "This is sloppy work." or "Did you know that shirt has some spots?" instead of "You're not going out looking like THAT, are you?"
- Express ownership of your thoughts, feeling, and opinions. Example: "I get angry when he breaks his promises." instead of "He makes me angry." or "I believe the best policy is to…" instead of "The only sensible thing is to …"
- Make clear, direct, requests. Don't invite the person to say no. Example: "Will you please ... ?" instead of "Would you mind … ?" or "Why don't you … ?"
- Special techniques for difficult situations:
- Broken record: Keep repeating your point, using a low
level, pleasant voice. Don't get pulled into arguing or trying to explain
yourself. This lets you ignore manipulation, baiting, and irrelevant
Example: You are taking something back to a store that you know gives refunds, but the clerk first questions your decision, tries to imply that there's something wrong with you because you changed your mind, tells you that she can only give a store credit, etc. Using the broken record, you walk into the store and say "I decided I don't need this and I'd like my money back." Then no matter what the clerk says, you keep repeating "I decided I don't need this and I'd like my money back." If she doesn't get it, simply ask to speak to a manager and say the same thing. Trust me, it works! - Fogging: This is a way to deflect negative,
manipulative criticism. You agree with some of the fact, but retain the
right to choose your behavior.
Example: Mom: "Your skirt is awfully short, don't you think you should wear longer skirts? They're the style now." You: "You're right, skirts are longer now." Agree with as much of the facts as you want to, but don’t agree to change your skirt length. Fogging is great for avoiding fights and making people stop criticizing. With significant others, when you need to keep living together, it's best to quietly hear them out, then assertively give your response. - Content to Process Shift:: This means that
you stop talking about the problem and bring up, instead, how the other
person is behaving RIGHT NOW. Use it when someone's not listening or
trying to use humor or a distraction to avoid the issue.
Example: "You're getting off the point. I'm starting to feel frustrated because I feel like you're not listening."
- Defusing: Letting someone cool down before
discussing an issue.
Example: "I can see that you're upset, and I can even understand part of your reaction. Let's talk about this later." Also, if they try to stay with it, you always have the right to walk away. - Assertive inquiry/stop action: This is similar
to the content to process shift. "Let's hold it for a minute,
something isn't working, what just happened?, how did we get into this
argument?" This helps to identify the real issue when the argument
is actually about something bigger than the immediate topic.
Example: - "Can you help me with this statistics problem?
- Man, will you just get off my back? You know how much I have to do today!
- Why is it such a problem to take 15 minutes to help me with this? You told me last night that you would!
- I get so tired of you always asking me to do these things right when I'm in the middle of something!
- Whoa, let's take a break here. How did we get from my stats problem to you being tired of my interruptions?"
The real problem is not
the stats problem, it's timing. Now that topic is open for discussion and
they're becoming aware of how their arguments escalate.
- Summarization: This helps to make sure you're understanding the other person. Example: "So what you're trying to tell me is ... ."
- Specificity: It's really important to be very clear about what you want done. This helps prevent distractions. Example: "The thing I really wish is that you'd pick your clothes up off the floor."
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