
Saturday, February 8, 2025

How to check the services running in background in Linux?

 To check the services running in the background on a Linux system, you can use several commands and tools depending on the information you need. Here are some common methods:


1. Using systemctl (for systemd-based systems)

This is the most common way to manage and check services on modern Linux distributions.

Check all services (active and inactive):

systemctl list-units --type=service

Check only active services:

systemctl list-units --type=service --state=active

Check the status of a specific service:

systemctl status <service-name>

Replace <service-name> with the service name (e.g., nginx, ssh).


2. Using service Command

For older Linux distributions that use init instead of systemd.

Check the status of a specific service:

service <service-name> status

List all available services and their status:

service --status-all


3. Using ps Command

To list all running processes, including services:

View all running processes:

ps aux

Filter for a specific service or process:

ps aux | grep <service-name>


4. Using top or htop

To monitor active processes in real time:

Using top:


Using htop (requires installation):


These tools display active processes, including services, along with CPU and memory usage.


5. Using netstat or ss (for network-related services)

To check network-related services and their ports:

Using netstat (requires installation on some distributions):

netstat -tuln

Using ss (modern alternative to netstat):

ss -tuln

These commands show services listening on network ports.


6. Using chkconfig (for init-based systems)

To check services configured to start on boot (legacy systems):

List all services and their run levels: 

chkconfig --list


7. Using pgrep

To find processes by name:

Search for a specific service: 

pgrep -l <service-name>


8. Using rc-service (for OpenRC-based systems)

For distributions like Alpine Linux:

Check the status of all services:


Check the status of a specific service:

rc-service <service-name> status


9. Using docker or kubectl (for containerized services)

If services are running in containers, use:


docker ps


kubectl get pods



Modern systemd-based systems: Use systemctl.

Older init-based systems: Use service or chkconfig.

Real-time monitoring: Use top or htop.

Network services: Use netstat or ss.

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