
Monday, September 9, 2024

How HTTPS works?


How HTTPS works

HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure) is a secure way to share information on the internet. It encrypts data transfer between client and server.

But without common encryption key, how data is encrypted?

Let's see how:

1 - Server Certificate Check

- Client and server exchange "HELLO" messages
- Server sends its certificate
- Client verifies it with a Certificate Authority

2 - Key Exchange

- Client extracts server's public key, creates a session key
- They agree on a cipher suite
- Client encrypts session key using server's public key
- Server decrypts it

3 - Encrypted Tunnel for data transmission

- Client and server both have a common key (session key)
- They use it to encrypt and decrypt data during transmission

This creates a secure, encrypted tunnel for data transfer, protecting information from eavesdropping and tampering.

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