
Friday, August 30, 2024

Agile Terms


25 Must-Know Agile Terms :

🔷 Acceptance Testing: A formal testing process used to determine whether a system meets specified acceptance criteria.

🔷 Backlog: A list of work, typically listed and prioritized, that the team needs to address.

🔷 Backlog Grooming: The process of adding or refining items in the product backlog.

🔷 Bottleneck: A constraint in a system that limits throughput and impacts overall performance.

🔷 Burndown Chart: A visual tool for displaying work left to do versus time.

🔷 Cross-Function Team: A team made up of members with different functional expertise working toward a common goal.

🔷 User Story: A high-level description of a feature or requirement from an end-user perspective.

🔷 Definition of Done: Criteria that need to be met for a user story to be considered complete.

🔷 Epic Stories: Large user stories that are too big to complete in a single sprint or iteration.

🔷 Impediment: Anything that slows or blocks the team's progress.

🔷 Kanban: A visual system used to manage and control work as it moves through a process.

🔷 Lean: A methodology focused on maximizing customer value while minimizing waste.

🔷 Minimum Viable Product: A product with just enough features to satisfy early customers and gather feedback.

🔷 Product Owner: The primary business stakeholder responsible for maximizing the value of the product.

🔷 Retrospective: A meeting held at the end of each iteration to reflect on what went well and what could be improved.

🔷 Scrum: A framework in which people can address complex adaptive problems while delivering products iteratively and incrementally.

🔷 Scrum Master: The person responsible for ensuring the team follows Scrum practices and principles.

🔷 Scrum Team: A cross-functional group of people responsible for delivering the product.

🔷 Sprint: The Scrum team works to create a potentially releasable product increment, typically 1-4 weeks long.

🔷 Sprint Planning: Every sprint begins with a sprint planning meeting to determine what can be delivered and how.

🔷 Sprint Review: A meeting held at the end of each sprint to demonstrate work and gather feedback.

🔷 Story Points: A unit-less measure of effort required to implement a user story.

🔷 Stakeholder: Anyone with an interest in the project who is not part of the Scrum Team.

🔷 Task Board: A visual display of the status of user stories, typically using sticky notes on a whiteboard.

🔷 Daily Scrum / Daily Standup: A daily 15-minute meeting where team members synchronize activities and plan for the next 24 hours.

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