
Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Kubernetes MCQ

_________ service is automatically created for you k8s cluster creation and takes care of the internal routing of the cluster?

1. NodePort

2. ClusterIP

3. Headless

4. Load Balancer

Which one of the following can be considered as the primary data store of Kubernetes?

1. Pod

2. Etcd

3. Kubelet

4. Kube-scheduler

How to run a POD on a particular node?

1. node Name

2. nodeSelector

3. node affinities

4. All of The Above

In Kubernetes PVC stands for?

1. Present Volume Claim

2. Persistent Volume Claim

3. Persistent Volume Class

4. None of the above

What are some important functionalities of a Namespace in Kubernetes?

1. Namespaces help pod-to-pod communication using the same namespace.

2. Namespaces provide logical separation between the teams and their environments.

3. Namespaces are virtual clusters that can sit on top of the same physical cluster.

4. All of the above

The command to create Kubernetes service is?

1. Kubectl expose

2. Kubectl set service

3. Kubectl run

4. Kubectl deploy

Which of the followings are the Kubernetes Node Components?

1. Docker

2. Kubelet Service

3. Kubernetes Proxy Service

4. All of the above

What are the types of multi-container pod patterns?

1. Sidecar

2. Adaptor

3. Ambassador

4. All of the above

An abstraction in kubernetes which defines a logical set of pods and a policy to access them?

1. Kubelet

2. Service

3. Node

4. Container

This volume type can be used to share contents within containers in a pod, but will not persist beyond the life of a pod?

1. Empty Dir

2. Flex Volume

3. ConfigMap

4. Local

 Which of the following process runs on Kubernetes non-master node?

1. Kube-proxy

2. Kube-apiserver

  Kubernetes supports which of the following container runtime(s)?

1. docker

2. rkt

3. Both of the above

4. None of the above

 Which of the following embeds the core control loop which is a non-terminating loop that regulates the state of the system.

1. kube-apiserver

2. kube-scheduler

3. Kube-controller-manager

 In Kubernetes, a node is:

1. A tool for starting a kubernetes cluster on a local machine

2. A worker machine

3. A machine that coordinates the scheduling and management of application containers on the cluster

    Which of the following services runs on a Kubernetes node?

1. Kubelet

2. Kube-proxy

3. Both of the above 

    Which of the following is a Kubernetes controllers?

1. Namespace

2. Replicaset

3. Deployment

4. Both Replicaset and Deployment

 What can you deploy on Kubernetes?

1. Containers

2. Virtual machines

3. System processes (like sshd, httpd)

 Which of the following validates and configures data for the api objects such as pods, services?

1. kube-apiserver

2. kube-scheduler

3. Kube-controller-manager

 Which of the following runs as a node agent and watches for the pods that have been assigned to its node?

1. Kubelet

2. Kube-proxy

3. Kubectl

4. Etcd

 Kubernetes cluster data is stored in which of the following?

1. kube-apiserver

2. etcd

3. Kubelet

  At its core, Kubernetes is a platform for:

1. Provisioning machines (similar to Puppet, Ansible)

2. Running and scheduling container applications on a cluster

3. Packaging software in containers

 Which of the following process runs on Kubernetes master node?

1. Kubelet

2. Kube-apiserver

3. Kube-proxy

    Which of the following forms the core Kubernetes objects?

1. Pod

2. Service

3. Volume

4. All of the above

 Which of the following is responsible for assigning a node to newly created pods?

1. kube-apiserver

2. kube-scheduler

3. Kube-controller-manager

 Which of the following represents Kubernetes command line interface?

1. Kubelet

2. Kube-proxy

3. Kubectl

 Which of the following is correct about Kubernetes Pods?

Pods can only contain a single VM

Pods can only contain a single container

Pods can contain one or more containers 

Pods must contain at least two containers

What is the smallest deployable object in Kubernetes?


Replication Controller



How can you filter the output of a kubectl command to only show a Pod called “mypod”

kubectl get pods –filter mypod

kubctl get pods/mypod 

kubectl get mypod

Which of the following tools is good for installed Kubernetes in the AWS cloud?





Which of the following is a best practice for running workloads on a Kubernetes cluster?

User workloads should only run on Nodes. 

User workloads should only run on Masters.

User workloads should be evenly balanced across Masters and Nodes.

Which of the following Master components are the front-end to the Kubernetes control plane?

The Controller Manager

The apiserver 

The Cluster Store

The Scheduler

Which of the following is the only stateful component on a Kubernetes Master?

The Cluster Store

The Controller Manager

The Scheduler

The apiserver

Which of the following is the most common container runtime on Kubernetes Nodes?





Which component of the Kubernetes worker stack implements networking?

Container runtime



Which of the following is the preferred method of issuing work to Kubernetes?

Via manifest files in a declarative fashion 

Via individual commands in an imperative fashion

Which of the following is the best option for two containers that need to share memory and access to a common volume?

Put each container in its own Pod and couple them over the network

Package them as a deployment

Rewrite the code so that both services run inside a single container

Put both container inside the same Pod 

Which of the following is a major reason for Kubernetes Services?

K8s Services allow Pods to scale

Services are highly available

Services allow for simple rollbacks

We cannot rely on Pod IPs 

How are Services linked to Pods?

TCP port bindings

Docker Links

Label Selectors 

Which of the following best describes the benefits of Kubernetes Deployment objects?

Declarative formatting, rolling updates, and simple rollback capabilty 

They provide High Availability to the Kubernetes control plane

Imperative formatting, rolling updates, and simple rollback capabilty

They hugely simplify the deployment and management of Masters and Nodes

Which component of the Kubernetes Master is responsible for issuing work to Nodes?

The Scheduler 

The controller Manager

The apiserver

The Cluster Store

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