Google has some fantastic potential for you to find whatever you are after on the internet.
To search for a book / program / file perhaps try the following.
Go to Google's search page and use the following criteria in the search dialog
intitle:index.of? file extension Name of item
e.g. intitle:index.of? chm syngress
This will hopefully give you a listing of all websites that google has cached that contain references to files in CHM format that are published by SYNGRESS.
I use in Google
+("index of") +("/ebooks"|"/book") +(chm|pdf|zip|rar) +syngress
allinurl: +(rar|chm|zip|pdf|tgz) Syngress
This blog is about CCNA, CCNP, CCIE, Software Testing, Scripting, Networking & Security, Virtualization, Kubernetes, Cloud and Certifications.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Keyboard shortcuts for excel 2000
F1 Key Help
F2 Key Edit current Cell
F5 Key Goto
F7 Key Spell Check
F12 Key Save file as
CTRL and A Select entire worksheet.
CTRL and B Toggle Bold Text.
CTRL and C Copies the item or items selected to the Clipboard and can be pasted using CTRL and V.
CTRL and F Displays the Find dialog box.
CTRL and H Displays the Replace dialog box.
CTRL and I Toggles Italic Text.
CTRL and N New File.
CTRL and O Open File.
CTRL and P Print.
CTRL and S Save File.
CTRL and U Toggles Underlined Text.
CTRL and V Paste the contents of the clipboard.
CTRL and X Cut the selected item.
CTRL and Y Redo the last undone action
CTRL and Z Undoes the last action.
CTRL and 1 Displays Format Cells Dialogue Box
CTRL and 5 Toggles Strikethrough Text
Keyboard Shortcuts Result in Excel 2000 - Formulas
ALT and = Autosum
ALT and F8 Macros
CTRL and ; Insert Current Date
CTRL and : Insert Current Time
Keyboard Shortcuts Result in Excel 2000 - Movement
Left Arrow One Cell Left (also SHIFT and TAB)
Right Arrow One Cell Right (also TAB)
Up Arrow One Cell Up
Down Arrow One Cell Down
Home Go to End of row
CTRL and left Arrow Go to End of Column
CTRL and Home Go to Top of Worksheet (A1)
CTRL and End Go to End of Worksheet
CTRL and PAGE-DOWN Go to Next Worksheet
Keyboard Shortcuts Result in Excel 2000 - Cell Selection
CTRL and Spacebar Select the entire Column
SHIFT and Spacebar Select the entire Row
CTRL and A Select Entire Worksheet
SHIFT and Left Cursor Select all cells to the left of the active one
SHIFT and Right Cursor Select all cells to the right of the active one
F2 Key Edit current Cell
F5 Key Goto
F7 Key Spell Check
F12 Key Save file as
CTRL and A Select entire worksheet.
CTRL and B Toggle Bold Text.
CTRL and C Copies the item or items selected to the Clipboard and can be pasted using CTRL and V.
CTRL and F Displays the Find dialog box.
CTRL and H Displays the Replace dialog box.
CTRL and I Toggles Italic Text.
CTRL and N New File.
CTRL and O Open File.
CTRL and P Print.
CTRL and S Save File.
CTRL and U Toggles Underlined Text.
CTRL and V Paste the contents of the clipboard.
CTRL and X Cut the selected item.
CTRL and Y Redo the last undone action
CTRL and Z Undoes the last action.
CTRL and 1 Displays Format Cells Dialogue Box
CTRL and 5 Toggles Strikethrough Text
Keyboard Shortcuts Result in Excel 2000 - Formulas
ALT and = Autosum
ALT and F8 Macros
CTRL and ; Insert Current Date
CTRL and : Insert Current Time
Keyboard Shortcuts Result in Excel 2000 - Movement
Left Arrow One Cell Left (also SHIFT and TAB)
Right Arrow One Cell Right (also TAB)
Up Arrow One Cell Up
Down Arrow One Cell Down
Home Go to End of row
CTRL and left Arrow Go to End of Column
CTRL and Home Go to Top of Worksheet (A1)
CTRL and End Go to End of Worksheet
CTRL and PAGE-DOWN Go to Next Worksheet
Keyboard Shortcuts Result in Excel 2000 - Cell Selection
CTRL and Spacebar Select the entire Column
SHIFT and Spacebar Select the entire Row
CTRL and A Select Entire Worksheet
SHIFT and Left Cursor Select all cells to the left of the active one
SHIFT and Right Cursor Select all cells to the right of the active one
How to add url address bar to the taskbar
You can add an Internet URL address bar to your Windows XP taskbar. Doing so will let you type in URLs and launch Web pages without first launching a browser. It will also let you launch some native Windows XP applications in much the same way as you would via the Run menu (so you could type in calc to launch the calculator or mspaint to launch Microsoft Paint. Here's how you add the address bar:
1. Right-click on the taskbar, select Toolbars, and then click Address.
2. The word Address will appear on your taskbar.
3. Double click it to access it.
4. If that doesn't work, your taskbar is locked. You can unlock it by right-clicking on the taskbar again and uncheck Lock the Taskbar.
NOTE: You may also need to grab the vertical dotted lines beside the word Address and drag it to the left to make the Address window appear.
1. Right-click on the taskbar, select Toolbars, and then click Address.
2. The word Address will appear on your taskbar.
3. Double click it to access it.
4. If that doesn't work, your taskbar is locked. You can unlock it by right-clicking on the taskbar again and uncheck Lock the Taskbar.
NOTE: You may also need to grab the vertical dotted lines beside the word Address and drag it to the left to make the Address window appear.
Computer Acronyms
ADSL - Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line
AGP - Accelerated Graphics Port
ALI - Acer Labs, Incorporated
ALU - Arithmetic Logic Unit
AMD - Advanced Micro Devices
APC - American Power Conversion
ASCII - American Standard Code for Information Interchange
ASIC - Application Specific Integrated Circuit
ASPI - Advanced SCSI Programming Interface
AT - Advanced Technology
ATI - ATI Technologies Inc.
ATX - Advanced Technology Extended
--- B ---
BFG - BFG Technologies
BIOS - Basic Input Output System
BNC - Barrel Nut Connector
--- C ---
CAS - Column Address Signal
CD - Compact Disk
CDR - Compact Disk Recorder
CDRW - Compact Disk Re-Writer
CD-ROM - Compact Disk - Read Only Memory
CFM - Cubic Feet per Minute (ft /min)
CMOS - Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor
CPU - Central Processing Unit
CTX - CTX Technology Corporation (Commited to Excellence)
--- D ---
DDR - Double Data Rate
DDR-SDRAM - Double Data Rate - Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory
DFI - DFI Inc. (Design for Innovation)
DIMM - Dual Inline Memory Module
DRAM - Dynamic Random Access Memory
DPI - Dots Per Inch
DVD - Digital Versatile Disc
DVD-RAM - Digital Versatile Disk - Random Access Memory
--- E ---
ECC - Error Correction Code
ECS - Elitegroup Computer Systems
EDO - Extended Data Out
EEPROM - Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory
EPROM - Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory
EVGA - EVGA Corporation
--- F ---
FC-PGA - Flip Chip Pin Grid Array
FDC - Floppy Disk Controller
FDD - Floppy Disk Drive
FPS - Frame Per Second
FPU - Floating Point Unit
FSAA - Full Screen Anti-Aliasing
FS - For Sale
FSB - Front Side Bus
--- G ---
GB - Gigabytes
GBps - Gigabytes per second or Gigabits per second
GDI - Graphical Device Interface
GHz - GigaHertz
--- H ---
HDD - Hard Disk Drive
HIS - Hightech Information System Limited
HP - Hewlett-Packard Development Company
HSF - Heatsink-Fan
--- I ---
IBM - International Business Machines Corporation
IC - Integrated Circuit
IDE - Integrated Drive Electronics
IFS- Item for Sale
IRQ - Interrupt Request
ISA - Industry Standard Architecture
ISO - International Standards Organization
--- J ---
JBL - JBL (Jame B. Lansing) Speakers
JVC - JVC Company of America
- K ---
Kbps - Kilobits Per Second
KBps - KiloBytes per second
--- L ---
LG - LG Electronics
LAN - Local Are Network
LCD - Liquid Crystal Display
LDT - Lightning Data Transport
LED - Light Emitting Diode
--- M ---
MAC - Media Access Control
MB MotherBoard or Megabyte
MBps - Megabytes Per Second
Mbps - Megabits Per Second or Megabits Per Second
MHz - MegaHertz
MIPS - Million Instructions Per Second
MMX - Multi-Media Extensions
MSI - Micro Star International
--- N ---
NAS - Network Attached Storage
NAT - Network Address Translation
NEC - NEC Corporation
NIC - Network Interface Card
--- O ---
OC - Overclock (Over Clock)
OCZ - OCZ Technology
OEM - Original Equipment Manufacturer
--- P ---
PC - Personal Computer
PCB - Printed Circuit Board
PCI - Peripheral Component Interconnect
PDA - Personal Digital Assistant
PCMCIA - Peripheral Component Microchannel Interconnect Architecture
PGA - Professional Graphics Array
PLD - Programmable Logic Device
PM - Private Message / Private Messaging
PnP - Plug 'n Play
PNY - PNY Technology
POST - Power On Self Test
PPPoA - Point-to-Point Protocol over ATM
PPPoE - Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet
PQI - PQI Corporation
PSU - Power Supply Unit
--- R ---
RAID - Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks
RAM - Random Access Memory
RAMDAC - Random Access Memory Digital Analog Convertor
RDRAM - Rambus Dynamic Random Access Memory
ROM - Read Only Memory
RPM - Revolutions Per Minute
--- S ---
SASID - Self-scanned Amorphous Silicon Integrated Display
SCA - SCSI Configured Automatically
SCSI - Small Computer System Interface
SDRAM - Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory
SECC - Single Edge Contact Connector
SODIMM - Small Outline Dual Inline Memory Module
SPARC - Scalable Processor ArChitecture
SOHO - Small Office Home Office
SRAM - Static Random Access Memory
SSE - Streaming SIMD Extensions
SVGA - Super Video Graphics Array
S/PDIF - Sony/Philips Digital Interface
--- T ---
TB - Terabytes
TBps - Terabytes per second
Tbps - Terabits per second
TDK - TDK Electronics
TEC - Thermoelectric Cooler
TPC - TipidPC
TWAIN - Technology Without An Important Name
--- U ---
UART - Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter
USB - Universal Serial Bus
UTP - Unshieled Twisted Pair
--- V ---
VCD - Video CD
VPN - Virtual Private Network
--- W ---
WAN - Wide Area Network
WTB - Want to Buy
WYSIWYG - What You See Is What You Get
--- X ---
XGA - Extended Graphics Array
XFX - XFX Graphics, a Division of Pine
XMS - Extended Memory Specification
XT - Extended Technology
AGP - Accelerated Graphics Port
ALI - Acer Labs, Incorporated
ALU - Arithmetic Logic Unit
AMD - Advanced Micro Devices
APC - American Power Conversion
ASCII - American Standard Code for Information Interchange
ASIC - Application Specific Integrated Circuit
ASPI - Advanced SCSI Programming Interface
AT - Advanced Technology
ATI - ATI Technologies Inc.
ATX - Advanced Technology Extended
--- B ---
BFG - BFG Technologies
BIOS - Basic Input Output System
BNC - Barrel Nut Connector
--- C ---
CAS - Column Address Signal
CD - Compact Disk
CDR - Compact Disk Recorder
CDRW - Compact Disk Re-Writer
CD-ROM - Compact Disk - Read Only Memory
CFM - Cubic Feet per Minute (ft /min)
CMOS - Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor
CPU - Central Processing Unit
CTX - CTX Technology Corporation (Commited to Excellence)
--- D ---
DDR - Double Data Rate
DDR-SDRAM - Double Data Rate - Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory
DFI - DFI Inc. (Design for Innovation)
DIMM - Dual Inline Memory Module
DRAM - Dynamic Random Access Memory
DPI - Dots Per Inch
DVD - Digital Versatile Disc
DVD-RAM - Digital Versatile Disk - Random Access Memory
--- E ---
ECC - Error Correction Code
ECS - Elitegroup Computer Systems
EDO - Extended Data Out
EEPROM - Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory
EPROM - Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory
EVGA - EVGA Corporation
--- F ---
FC-PGA - Flip Chip Pin Grid Array
FDC - Floppy Disk Controller
FDD - Floppy Disk Drive
FPS - Frame Per Second
FPU - Floating Point Unit
FSAA - Full Screen Anti-Aliasing
FS - For Sale
FSB - Front Side Bus
--- G ---
GB - Gigabytes
GBps - Gigabytes per second or Gigabits per second
GDI - Graphical Device Interface
GHz - GigaHertz
--- H ---
HDD - Hard Disk Drive
HIS - Hightech Information System Limited
HP - Hewlett-Packard Development Company
HSF - Heatsink-Fan
--- I ---
IBM - International Business Machines Corporation
IC - Integrated Circuit
IDE - Integrated Drive Electronics
IFS- Item for Sale
IRQ - Interrupt Request
ISA - Industry Standard Architecture
ISO - International Standards Organization
--- J ---
JBL - JBL (Jame B. Lansing) Speakers
JVC - JVC Company of America
- K ---
Kbps - Kilobits Per Second
KBps - KiloBytes per second
--- L ---
LG - LG Electronics
LAN - Local Are Network
LCD - Liquid Crystal Display
LDT - Lightning Data Transport
LED - Light Emitting Diode
--- M ---
MAC - Media Access Control
MB MotherBoard or Megabyte
MBps - Megabytes Per Second
Mbps - Megabits Per Second or Megabits Per Second
MHz - MegaHertz
MIPS - Million Instructions Per Second
MMX - Multi-Media Extensions
MSI - Micro Star International
--- N ---
NAS - Network Attached Storage
NAT - Network Address Translation
NEC - NEC Corporation
NIC - Network Interface Card
--- O ---
OC - Overclock (Over Clock)
OCZ - OCZ Technology
OEM - Original Equipment Manufacturer
--- P ---
PC - Personal Computer
PCB - Printed Circuit Board
PCI - Peripheral Component Interconnect
PDA - Personal Digital Assistant
PCMCIA - Peripheral Component Microchannel Interconnect Architecture
PGA - Professional Graphics Array
PLD - Programmable Logic Device
PM - Private Message / Private Messaging
PnP - Plug 'n Play
PNY - PNY Technology
POST - Power On Self Test
PPPoA - Point-to-Point Protocol over ATM
PPPoE - Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet
PQI - PQI Corporation
PSU - Power Supply Unit
--- R ---
RAID - Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks
RAM - Random Access Memory
RAMDAC - Random Access Memory Digital Analog Convertor
RDRAM - Rambus Dynamic Random Access Memory
ROM - Read Only Memory
RPM - Revolutions Per Minute
--- S ---
SASID - Self-scanned Amorphous Silicon Integrated Display
SCA - SCSI Configured Automatically
SCSI - Small Computer System Interface
SDRAM - Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory
SECC - Single Edge Contact Connector
SODIMM - Small Outline Dual Inline Memory Module
SPARC - Scalable Processor ArChitecture
SOHO - Small Office Home Office
SRAM - Static Random Access Memory
SSE - Streaming SIMD Extensions
SVGA - Super Video Graphics Array
S/PDIF - Sony/Philips Digital Interface
--- T ---
TB - Terabytes
TBps - Terabytes per second
Tbps - Terabits per second
TDK - TDK Electronics
TEC - Thermoelectric Cooler
TPC - TipidPC
TWAIN - Technology Without An Important Name
--- U ---
UART - Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter
USB - Universal Serial Bus
UTP - Unshieled Twisted Pair
--- V ---
VCD - Video CD
VPN - Virtual Private Network
--- W ---
WAN - Wide Area Network
WTB - Want to Buy
WYSIWYG - What You See Is What You Get
--- X ---
XGA - Extended Graphics Array
XFX - XFX Graphics, a Division of Pine
XMS - Extended Memory Specification
XT - Extended Technology
How to add your photo to mycomputer properties
To do this:
1. Open Notepad.
2. Type the following:
Manufacturer="Nawraj Lekhak"
Model=HP d530 SFF(DC578AV)
[Support Information]
Line1= Your Ph No
Line2= Your Address
3. Save as "oeminfo.ini" in the System32 folder.(Without Quote)
4. Create a bmp file(Your Photo) and save it the System32 folder as "oemlogo.bmp"(Without Quote).
5. Now Check your My Computer Properties.
1. Open Notepad.
2. Type the following:
Manufacturer="Nawraj Lekhak"
Model=HP d530 SFF(DC578AV)
[Support Information]
Line1= Your Ph No
Line2= Your Address
3. Save as "oeminfo.ini" in the System32 folder.(Without Quote)
4. Create a bmp file(Your Photo) and save it the System32 folder as "oemlogo.bmp"(Without Quote).
5. Now Check your My Computer Properties.
10 Fast and Free Security Enhancements
Before you spend a dime on security, there are many precautions you can take that will protect you against the most common threats.
1. Check Windows Update and Office Update regularly (_; have your Office CD ready. Windows Me, 2000, and XP users can configure automatic updates. Click on the Automatic Updates tab in the System control panel and choose the appropriate options.
2. Install a personal firewall. Both SyGate ( and ZoneAlarm ( offer free versions.
3. Install a free spyware blocker. Our Editors' Choice ("Spyware," April 22) was SpyBot Search & Destroy (_ SpyBot is also paranoid and ruthless in hunting out tracking cookies.
4. Block pop-up spam messages in Windows NT, 2000, or XP by disabling the Windows Messenger service (this is unrelated to the instant messaging program). Open Control Panel | Administrative Tools | Services and you'll see Messenger. Right-click and go to Properties. Set Start-up Type to Disabled and press the Stop button. Bye-bye, spam pop-ups! Any good firewall will also stop them.
5. Use strong passwords and change them periodically. Passwords should have at least seven characters; use letters and numbers and have at least one symbol. A decent example would be f8izKro@l. This will make it much harder for anyone to gain access to your accounts.
6. If you're using Outlook or Outlook Express, use the current version or one with the Outlook Security Update installed. The update and current versions patch numerous vulnerabilities.
7. Buy antivirus software and keep it up to date. If you're not willing to pay, try Grisoft AVG Free Edition (Grisoft Inc., w* And doublecheck your AV with the free, online-only scanners available at w* and _
8. If you have a wireless network, turn on the security features: Use MAC filtering, turn off SSID broadcast, and even use WEP with the biggest key you can get. For more, check out our wireless section or see the expanded coverage in Your Unwired World in our next issue.
9. Join a respectable e-mail security list, such as the one found at our own Security Supersite at _, so that you learn about emerging threats quickly and can take proper precautions.
10. Be skeptical of things on the Internet. Don't assume that e-mail "From:" a particular person is actually from that person until you have further reason to believe it's that person. Don't assume that an attachment is what it says it is. Don't give out your password to anyone, even if that person claims to be from "support."
1. Check Windows Update and Office Update regularly (_; have your Office CD ready. Windows Me, 2000, and XP users can configure automatic updates. Click on the Automatic Updates tab in the System control panel and choose the appropriate options.
2. Install a personal firewall. Both SyGate ( and ZoneAlarm ( offer free versions.
3. Install a free spyware blocker. Our Editors' Choice ("Spyware," April 22) was SpyBot Search & Destroy (_ SpyBot is also paranoid and ruthless in hunting out tracking cookies.
4. Block pop-up spam messages in Windows NT, 2000, or XP by disabling the Windows Messenger service (this is unrelated to the instant messaging program). Open Control Panel | Administrative Tools | Services and you'll see Messenger. Right-click and go to Properties. Set Start-up Type to Disabled and press the Stop button. Bye-bye, spam pop-ups! Any good firewall will also stop them.
5. Use strong passwords and change them periodically. Passwords should have at least seven characters; use letters and numbers and have at least one symbol. A decent example would be f8izKro@l. This will make it much harder for anyone to gain access to your accounts.
6. If you're using Outlook or Outlook Express, use the current version or one with the Outlook Security Update installed. The update and current versions patch numerous vulnerabilities.
7. Buy antivirus software and keep it up to date. If you're not willing to pay, try Grisoft AVG Free Edition (Grisoft Inc., w* And doublecheck your AV with the free, online-only scanners available at w* and _
8. If you have a wireless network, turn on the security features: Use MAC filtering, turn off SSID broadcast, and even use WEP with the biggest key you can get. For more, check out our wireless section or see the expanded coverage in Your Unwired World in our next issue.
9. Join a respectable e-mail security list, such as the one found at our own Security Supersite at _, so that you learn about emerging threats quickly and can take proper precautions.
10. Be skeptical of things on the Internet. Don't assume that e-mail "From:" a particular person is actually from that person until you have further reason to believe it's that person. Don't assume that an attachment is what it says it is. Don't give out your password to anyone, even if that person claims to be from "support."
10 reasons why PCs crash
Fatal error: the system has become unstable or is busy," it says. "Enter to return to Windows or press Control-Alt-Delete to restart your computer. If you do this you will lose any unsaved information in all open applications."
You have just been struck by the Blue Screen of Death. Anyone who uses Mcft Windows will be familiar with this. What can you do? More importantly, how can you prevent it happening?
1 Hardware conflict
The number one reason why Windows crashes is hardware conflict. Each hardware device communicates to other devices through an interrupt request channel (IRQ). These are supposed to be unique for each device.
For example, a printer usually connects internally on IRQ 7. The keyboard usually uses IRQ 1 and the floppy disk drive IRQ 6. Each device will try to hog a single IRQ for itself.
If there are a lot of devices, or if they are not installed properly, two of them may end up sharing the same IRQ number. When the user tries to use both devices at the same time, a crash can happen. The way to check if your computer has a hardware conflict is through the following route:
* Start-Settings-Control Panel-System-Device Manager.
Often if a device has a problem a yellow '!' appears next to its description in the Device Manager. Highlight Computer (in the Device Manager) and press Properties to see the IRQ numbers used by your computer. If the IRQ number appears twice, two devices may be using it.
Sometimes a device might share an IRQ with something described as 'IRQ holder for PCI steering'. This can be ignored. The best way to fix this problem is to remove the problem device and reinstall it.
Sometimes you may have to find more recent drivers on the internet to make the device function properly. A good resource is If the device is a soundcard, or a modem, it can often be fixed by moving it to a different slot on the motherboard (be careful about opening your computer, as you may void the warranty).
When working inside a computer you should switch it off, unplug the mains lead and touch an unpainted metal surface to discharge any static electricity.
To be fair to Mcft, the problem with IRQ numbers is not of its making. It is a legacy problem going back to the first PC designs using the IBM 8086 chip. Initially there were only eight IRQs. Today there are 16 IRQs in a PC. It is easy to run out of them. There are plans to increase the number of IRQs in future designs.
2 Bad Ram
Ram (random-access memory) problems might bring on the blue screen of death with a message saying Fatal Exception Error. A fatal error indicates a serious hardware problem. Sometimes it may mean a part is damaged and will need replacing.
But a fatal error caused by Ram might be caused by a mismatch of chips. For example, mixing 70-nanosecond (70ns) Ram with 60ns Ram will usually force the computer to run all the Ram at the slower speed. This will often crash the machine if the Ram is overworked.
One way around this problem is to enter the BIOS settings and increase the wait state of the Ram. This can make it more stable. Another way to troubleshoot a suspected Ram problem is to rearrange the Ram chips on the motherboard, or take some of them out. Then try to repeat the circumstances that caused the crash. When handling Ram try not to touch the gold connections, as they can be easily damaged.
Parity error messages also refer to Ram. Modern Ram chips are either parity (ECC) or non parity (non-ECC). It is best not to mix the two types, as this can be a cause of trouble.
EMM386 error messages refer to memory problems but may not be connected to bad Ram. This may be due to free memory problems often linked to old Dos-based programmes.
3 BIOS settings
Every motherboard is supplied with a range of chipset settings that are decided in the factory. A common way to access these settings is to press the F2 or delete button during the first few seconds of a boot-up.
Once inside the BIOS, great care should be taken. It is a good idea to write down on a piece of paper all the settings that appear on the screen. That way, if you change something and the computer becomes more unstable, you will know what settings to revert to.
A common BIOS error concerns the CAS latency. This refers to the Ram. Older EDO (extended data out) Ram has a CAS latency of 3. Newer SDRam has a CAS latency of 2. Setting the wrong figure can cause the Ram to lock up and freeze the computer's display.
Mcft Windows is better at allocating IRQ numbers than any BIOS. If possible set the IRQ numbers to Auto in the BIOS. This will allow Windows to allocate the IRQ numbers (make sure the BIOS setting for Plug and Play OS is switched to 'yes' to allow Windows to do this.).
4 Hard disk drives
After a few weeks, the information on a hard disk drive starts to become piecemeal or fragmented. It is a good idea to defragment the hard disk every week or so, to prevent the disk from causing a screen freeze. Go to
* Start-Programs-Accessories-System Tools-Disk Defragmenter
This will start the procedure. You will be unable to write data to the hard drive (to save it) while the disk is defragmenting, so it is a good idea to schedule the procedure for a period of inactivity using the Task Scheduler.
The Task Scheduler should be one of the small icons on the bottom right of the Windows opening page (the desktop).
Some lockups and screen freezes caused by hard disk problems can be solved by reducing the read-ahead optimisation. This can be adjusted by going to
* Start-Settings-Control Panel-System Icon-Performance-File System-Hard Disk.
Hard disks will slow down and crash if they are too full. Do some housekeeping on your hard drive every few months and free some space on it. Open the Windows folder on the C drive and find the Temporary Internet Files folder. Deleting the contents (not the folder) can free a lot of space.
Empty the Recycle Bin every week to free more space. Hard disk drives should be scanned every week for errors or bad sectors. Go to
* Start-Programs-Accessories-System Tools-ScanDisk
Otherwise assign the Task Scheduler to perform this operation at night when the computer is not in use.
5 Fatal OE exceptions and VXD errors
Fatal OE exception errors and VXD errors are often caused by video card problems.
These can often be resolved easily by reducing the resolution of the video display. Go to
* Start-Settings-Control Panel-Display-Settings
Here you should slide the screen area bar to the left. Take a look at the colour settings on the left of that window. For most desktops, high colour 16-bit depth is adequate.
If the screen freezes or you experience system lockups it might be due to the video card. Make sure it does not have a hardware conflict. Go to
* Start-Settings-Control Panel-System-Device Manager
Here, select the + beside Display Adapter. A line of text describing your video card should appear. Select it (make it blue) and press properties. Then select Resources and select each line in the window. Look for a message that says No Conflicts.
If you have video card hardware conflict, you will see it here. Be careful at this point and make a note of everything you do in case you make things worse.
The way to resolve a hardware conflict is to uncheck the Use Automatic Settings box and hit the Change Settings button. You are searching for a setting that will display a No Conflicts message.
Another useful way to resolve video problems is to go to
* Start-Settings-Control Panel-System-Performance-Graphics
Here you should move the Hardware Acceleration slider to the left. As ever, the most common cause of problems relating to graphics cards is old or faulty drivers (a driver is a small piece of software used by a computer to communicate with a device).
Look up your video card's manufacturer on the internet and search for the most recent drivers for it.
6 Viruses
Often the first sign of a virus infection is instability. Some viruses erase the boot sector of a hard drive, making it impossible to start. This is why it is a good idea to create a Windows start-up disk. Go to
* Start-Settings-Control Panel-Add/Remove Programs
Here, look for the Start Up Disk tab. Virus protection requires constant vigilance.
A virus scanner requires a list of virus signatures in order to be able to identify viruses. These signatures are stored in a DAT file. DAT files should be updated weekly from the website of your antivirus software manufacturer.
An excellent antivirus programme is McAfee VirusScan by Network Associates ( Another is Norton AntiVirus 2000, made by Symantec (
7 Printers
The action of sending a document to print creates a bigger file, often called a postscript file.
Printers have only a small amount of memory, called a buffer. This can be easily overloaded. Printing a document also uses a considerable amount of CPU power. This will also slow down the computer's performance.
If the printer is trying to print unusual characters, these might not be recognised, and can crash the computer. Sometimes printers will not recover from a crash because of confusion in the buffer. A good way to clear the buffer is to unplug the printer for ten seconds. Booting up from a powerless state, also called a cold boot, will restore the printer's default settings and you may be able to carry on.
8 Software
A common cause of computer crash is faulty or badly-installed software. Often the problem can be cured by uninstalling the software and then reinstalling it. Use Norton Uninstall or Uninstall Shield to remove an application from your system properly. This will also remove references to the programme in the System Registry and leaves the way clear for a completely fresh copy.
The System Registry can be corrupted by old references to obsolete software that you thought was uninstalled. Use Reg Cleaner by Jouni Vuorio to clean up the System Registry and remove obsolete entries. It works on Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows 98 SE (Second Edition), Windows Millennium Edition (ME), NT4 and Windows 2000.
Read the instructions and use it carefully so you don't do permanent damage to the Registry. If the Registry is damaged you will have to reinstall your operating system. Reg Cleaner can be obtained from
Often a Windows problem can be resolved by entering Safe Mode. This can be done during start-up. When you see the message "Starting Windows" press F4. This should take you into Safe Mode.
Safe Mode loads a minimum of drivers. It allows you to find and fix problems that prevent Windows from loading properly.
Sometimes installing Windows is difficult because of unsuitable BIOS settings. If you keep getting SUWIN error messages (Windows setup) during the Windows installation, then try entering the BIOS and disabling the CPU internal cache. Try to disable the Level 2 (L2) cache if that doesn't work.
Remember to restore all the BIOS settings back to their former settings following installation.
9 Overheating
Central processing units (CPUs) are usually equipped with fans to keep them cool. If the fan fails or if the CPU gets old it may start to overheat and generate a particular kind of error called a kernel error. This is a common problem in chips that have been overclocked to operate at higher speeds than they are supposed to.
One remedy is to get a bigger better fan and install it on top of the CPU. Specialist cooling fans/heatsinks are available from or
CPU problems can often be fixed by disabling the CPU internal cache in the BIOS. This will make the machine run more slowly, but it should also be more stable.
10 Power supply problems
With all the new construction going on around the country the steady supply of electricity has become disrupted. A power surge or spike can crash a computer as easily as a power cut.
If this has become a nuisance for you then consider buying a uninterrupted power supply (UPS). This will give you a clean power supply when there is electricity, and it will give you a few minutes to perform a controlled shutdown in case of a power cut.
It is a good investment if your data are critical, because a power cut will cause any unsaved data to be lost.
You have just been struck by the Blue Screen of Death. Anyone who uses Mcft Windows will be familiar with this. What can you do? More importantly, how can you prevent it happening?
1 Hardware conflict
The number one reason why Windows crashes is hardware conflict. Each hardware device communicates to other devices through an interrupt request channel (IRQ). These are supposed to be unique for each device.
For example, a printer usually connects internally on IRQ 7. The keyboard usually uses IRQ 1 and the floppy disk drive IRQ 6. Each device will try to hog a single IRQ for itself.
If there are a lot of devices, or if they are not installed properly, two of them may end up sharing the same IRQ number. When the user tries to use both devices at the same time, a crash can happen. The way to check if your computer has a hardware conflict is through the following route:
* Start-Settings-Control Panel-System-Device Manager.
Often if a device has a problem a yellow '!' appears next to its description in the Device Manager. Highlight Computer (in the Device Manager) and press Properties to see the IRQ numbers used by your computer. If the IRQ number appears twice, two devices may be using it.
Sometimes a device might share an IRQ with something described as 'IRQ holder for PCI steering'. This can be ignored. The best way to fix this problem is to remove the problem device and reinstall it.
Sometimes you may have to find more recent drivers on the internet to make the device function properly. A good resource is If the device is a soundcard, or a modem, it can often be fixed by moving it to a different slot on the motherboard (be careful about opening your computer, as you may void the warranty).
When working inside a computer you should switch it off, unplug the mains lead and touch an unpainted metal surface to discharge any static electricity.
To be fair to Mcft, the problem with IRQ numbers is not of its making. It is a legacy problem going back to the first PC designs using the IBM 8086 chip. Initially there were only eight IRQs. Today there are 16 IRQs in a PC. It is easy to run out of them. There are plans to increase the number of IRQs in future designs.
2 Bad Ram
Ram (random-access memory) problems might bring on the blue screen of death with a message saying Fatal Exception Error. A fatal error indicates a serious hardware problem. Sometimes it may mean a part is damaged and will need replacing.
But a fatal error caused by Ram might be caused by a mismatch of chips. For example, mixing 70-nanosecond (70ns) Ram with 60ns Ram will usually force the computer to run all the Ram at the slower speed. This will often crash the machine if the Ram is overworked.
One way around this problem is to enter the BIOS settings and increase the wait state of the Ram. This can make it more stable. Another way to troubleshoot a suspected Ram problem is to rearrange the Ram chips on the motherboard, or take some of them out. Then try to repeat the circumstances that caused the crash. When handling Ram try not to touch the gold connections, as they can be easily damaged.
Parity error messages also refer to Ram. Modern Ram chips are either parity (ECC) or non parity (non-ECC). It is best not to mix the two types, as this can be a cause of trouble.
EMM386 error messages refer to memory problems but may not be connected to bad Ram. This may be due to free memory problems often linked to old Dos-based programmes.
3 BIOS settings
Every motherboard is supplied with a range of chipset settings that are decided in the factory. A common way to access these settings is to press the F2 or delete button during the first few seconds of a boot-up.
Once inside the BIOS, great care should be taken. It is a good idea to write down on a piece of paper all the settings that appear on the screen. That way, if you change something and the computer becomes more unstable, you will know what settings to revert to.
A common BIOS error concerns the CAS latency. This refers to the Ram. Older EDO (extended data out) Ram has a CAS latency of 3. Newer SDRam has a CAS latency of 2. Setting the wrong figure can cause the Ram to lock up and freeze the computer's display.
Mcft Windows is better at allocating IRQ numbers than any BIOS. If possible set the IRQ numbers to Auto in the BIOS. This will allow Windows to allocate the IRQ numbers (make sure the BIOS setting for Plug and Play OS is switched to 'yes' to allow Windows to do this.).
4 Hard disk drives
After a few weeks, the information on a hard disk drive starts to become piecemeal or fragmented. It is a good idea to defragment the hard disk every week or so, to prevent the disk from causing a screen freeze. Go to
* Start-Programs-Accessories-System Tools-Disk Defragmenter
This will start the procedure. You will be unable to write data to the hard drive (to save it) while the disk is defragmenting, so it is a good idea to schedule the procedure for a period of inactivity using the Task Scheduler.
The Task Scheduler should be one of the small icons on the bottom right of the Windows opening page (the desktop).
Some lockups and screen freezes caused by hard disk problems can be solved by reducing the read-ahead optimisation. This can be adjusted by going to
* Start-Settings-Control Panel-System Icon-Performance-File System-Hard Disk.
Hard disks will slow down and crash if they are too full. Do some housekeeping on your hard drive every few months and free some space on it. Open the Windows folder on the C drive and find the Temporary Internet Files folder. Deleting the contents (not the folder) can free a lot of space.
Empty the Recycle Bin every week to free more space. Hard disk drives should be scanned every week for errors or bad sectors. Go to
* Start-Programs-Accessories-System Tools-ScanDisk
Otherwise assign the Task Scheduler to perform this operation at night when the computer is not in use.
5 Fatal OE exceptions and VXD errors
Fatal OE exception errors and VXD errors are often caused by video card problems.
These can often be resolved easily by reducing the resolution of the video display. Go to
* Start-Settings-Control Panel-Display-Settings
Here you should slide the screen area bar to the left. Take a look at the colour settings on the left of that window. For most desktops, high colour 16-bit depth is adequate.
If the screen freezes or you experience system lockups it might be due to the video card. Make sure it does not have a hardware conflict. Go to
* Start-Settings-Control Panel-System-Device Manager
Here, select the + beside Display Adapter. A line of text describing your video card should appear. Select it (make it blue) and press properties. Then select Resources and select each line in the window. Look for a message that says No Conflicts.
If you have video card hardware conflict, you will see it here. Be careful at this point and make a note of everything you do in case you make things worse.
The way to resolve a hardware conflict is to uncheck the Use Automatic Settings box and hit the Change Settings button. You are searching for a setting that will display a No Conflicts message.
Another useful way to resolve video problems is to go to
* Start-Settings-Control Panel-System-Performance-Graphics
Here you should move the Hardware Acceleration slider to the left. As ever, the most common cause of problems relating to graphics cards is old or faulty drivers (a driver is a small piece of software used by a computer to communicate with a device).
Look up your video card's manufacturer on the internet and search for the most recent drivers for it.
6 Viruses
Often the first sign of a virus infection is instability. Some viruses erase the boot sector of a hard drive, making it impossible to start. This is why it is a good idea to create a Windows start-up disk. Go to
* Start-Settings-Control Panel-Add/Remove Programs
Here, look for the Start Up Disk tab. Virus protection requires constant vigilance.
A virus scanner requires a list of virus signatures in order to be able to identify viruses. These signatures are stored in a DAT file. DAT files should be updated weekly from the website of your antivirus software manufacturer.
An excellent antivirus programme is McAfee VirusScan by Network Associates ( Another is Norton AntiVirus 2000, made by Symantec (
7 Printers
The action of sending a document to print creates a bigger file, often called a postscript file.
Printers have only a small amount of memory, called a buffer. This can be easily overloaded. Printing a document also uses a considerable amount of CPU power. This will also slow down the computer's performance.
If the printer is trying to print unusual characters, these might not be recognised, and can crash the computer. Sometimes printers will not recover from a crash because of confusion in the buffer. A good way to clear the buffer is to unplug the printer for ten seconds. Booting up from a powerless state, also called a cold boot, will restore the printer's default settings and you may be able to carry on.
8 Software
A common cause of computer crash is faulty or badly-installed software. Often the problem can be cured by uninstalling the software and then reinstalling it. Use Norton Uninstall or Uninstall Shield to remove an application from your system properly. This will also remove references to the programme in the System Registry and leaves the way clear for a completely fresh copy.
The System Registry can be corrupted by old references to obsolete software that you thought was uninstalled. Use Reg Cleaner by Jouni Vuorio to clean up the System Registry and remove obsolete entries. It works on Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows 98 SE (Second Edition), Windows Millennium Edition (ME), NT4 and Windows 2000.
Read the instructions and use it carefully so you don't do permanent damage to the Registry. If the Registry is damaged you will have to reinstall your operating system. Reg Cleaner can be obtained from
Often a Windows problem can be resolved by entering Safe Mode. This can be done during start-up. When you see the message "Starting Windows" press F4. This should take you into Safe Mode.
Safe Mode loads a minimum of drivers. It allows you to find and fix problems that prevent Windows from loading properly.
Sometimes installing Windows is difficult because of unsuitable BIOS settings. If you keep getting SUWIN error messages (Windows setup) during the Windows installation, then try entering the BIOS and disabling the CPU internal cache. Try to disable the Level 2 (L2) cache if that doesn't work.
Remember to restore all the BIOS settings back to their former settings following installation.
9 Overheating
Central processing units (CPUs) are usually equipped with fans to keep them cool. If the fan fails or if the CPU gets old it may start to overheat and generate a particular kind of error called a kernel error. This is a common problem in chips that have been overclocked to operate at higher speeds than they are supposed to.
One remedy is to get a bigger better fan and install it on top of the CPU. Specialist cooling fans/heatsinks are available from or
CPU problems can often be fixed by disabling the CPU internal cache in the BIOS. This will make the machine run more slowly, but it should also be more stable.
10 Power supply problems
With all the new construction going on around the country the steady supply of electricity has become disrupted. A power surge or spike can crash a computer as easily as a power cut.
If this has become a nuisance for you then consider buying a uninterrupted power supply (UPS). This will give you a clean power supply when there is electricity, and it will give you a few minutes to perform a controlled shutdown in case of a power cut.
It is a good investment if your data are critical, because a power cut will cause any unsaved data to be lost.
Windows XP Twenty Useful Tips and Tweaks
1) Cracking Windows XP Login Password
download the nice and easy Nt/2k/xp password cracker from
or other way is if u get acess to the computer then go to Start>Run and type
“control userpasswords2” without Quotes and a new pop up windows will open and u
will reach to user account properties.Here u can Reset the Administrator and any Users password so anytime when u Want to use the Computer start it in safemode pressing F8 at Booting get into the xp as u have administrator password and go to Control panel>Useraccounts and create a New
Account .Start Computer Normally and get into WinXP with ur newely made account and do ur job.
(Don’t forget to Delete ur newely made account Otherwise u will be in trouble)
Delete ur account again starting the computer in Safemode as Administrator and
Delete ur Account.
2) Disable XP Boot Logo
It is possible to disable the XP splash screen, which will slightly speed up the
overall boot process. Be aware that removing the splash screen will also cause
you not to see any boot-up messages that might come up (chkdsk, convert ... ),
but if your system runs without any problems then it should not matter.
Edit boot.ini.
Add " /noguiboot" right after "/fastdetect".
Upon restarting, the splash screen will be gone. It can be re-enabled by
removing the new switch.
3) Turn Off Indexing to Speed Up XP
Windows XP keeps a record of all files on the hard disk so when you do a search
on the hard drive it is faster. There is a downside to this and because the
computer has to index all files, it will slow down normal file commands like
open, close, etc. If you do not do a whole lot of searches on your hard drive
then you may want to turn this feature off:
Open My Computer.
Right-click your hard drive icon and select Properties.
At the bottom of the window you'll see "Allow indexing service to index this
disk for faster searches," uncheck this and click ok.
A new window will pop up and select Apply to all folders and subfolders.
It will take a minute or two for the changes to take affect but then you should
enjoy slightly faster performance.
4) Clean Your Prefetch to Improve Performance
This is a unique technique for WinXP. We know that it is necessary to scrub
registry and TEMP files for Win9X/ME/2000 periodically. Prefetch is a new and
very useful technique in Windows XP. However, after using XP some time, the
prefetch directory can get full of junk and obsolete links in the Prefetch
catalog, which can slow down your computer noticeably.
Open C (system drive):/windows/prefetch, delete those junk and obsolete files,
reboot. It is recommended that you do this every month.
5) Performance Increase Through My Computer
Easy enough tweak to usually find out about it on your own, but still, some of
us still don't find it right away. So here it is:
Start > right-click on My Computer and select Properties.
Click on the "Advanced" tab.
See the "Performance" section? Click "Settings".
Disable the following:
Fade or slide menus into view
Fade or slide ToolTips into view
Fade out menu items after clicking
Show Shadows under menus
Slide open combo boxes
Slide taskbar buttons
Use a background image for each folder type
Use common tasks in folders
There, now Windows will still look nice and perform faster.
6) Reduce 10 Second Scandisk Wait Time
Start MS Dos Prompt (Start run CMD), and type: CHKNTFS /T:4
where 4 is the amount of wait time.
CHKNTFS /? for more info.
7) DMA Mode on IDE Devices
Just like Windows 2000, Windows XP still fails to set the DMA mode correctly for
the IDE device designated as the slaves on the primary IDE and secondary IDE
channels. Most CD-ROMS are capable of supporting DMA mode, but the default in
XP is still PIO. Setting it to DMA won't make your CD-ROM faster, but it will
consume less CPU cycles. Here's how:
Open the Device Manager. One way to do that is to right-click on "My Computer",
select the Hardware tab, and select Device Manager.
Expand "IDE ATA/ATAPI Controllers" and double-click on "Primary IDE Channel".
Under the "Advanced Settings" tab, check the "Device 1" setting. More than
likely, your current transfer mode is set to PIO.
Set it to "DMA if available".
Repeat the step for the "Secondary IDE Channel" if you have devices attached to
it. Reboot.
8) Load Internet Explorer the Fastest Way Possible
Edit your link to start Internet Explorer to have -nohome after it. For
Example: "C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\IEXPLORE.EXE" -nohome
This will load internet explorer very fast because it does not load a web page
while it is loading. If you want to go to your homepage after it is loaded,
Just click on the home button.
9) Easy Way to Adjust LargeSystemCache
Normally, the tweak I've seen asks you to go into
HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management and
change the value to either O or 1 to the adjustment the LargeSystemCache.
However, in Windows XP, all you have to do is:
Right-click My Computer.
Select Properties.
Click Advanced.
Choose Performance.
Click Advanced again.
Select either Programs or System Cache under Memory Usage.
Programs = 0 for the registry tweak equivalent
System Cache = 1 for the registry tweak equivalent
10) Shutdown XP Faster
Like previous versions of windows, it takes long time to restart or shutdown
windows XP when the "Exit Windows" sound is enabled. To solve this problem you
must disable this useless sound.
Click Start button.
Go to settings > Control Panel > Sound, Speech and Audio devices > Sounds and
Audio Devices > Sounds.
Then under program events and windows menu click on "Exit Windows" sub-menu and
highlight it. Now from sounds you can select, choose "none" and then click
Apply and OK.
Now you should see some improvements when shutting down your system.
11) Easily Disable Messenger
Go into: C:/Program Files/Messenger. Rename the Messenger folder to
This does not slow down Outlook Express or hinder system performance.
12) Turn Off Autoplay for Program CDs
How can you stop Windows XP from launching program CDs?
Click Start, click Run, type GPEDIT.MSC to open Group Policy in the Microsoft
Management Console.
Double-click Computer Configuration, double-click Administrative templates,
double-click System, and then click Turn off autoplay.
The instructions on your screen describe how to configure this setting. Click
Properties to display the setting dialog.
Click Enabled, and choose CD-ROM drives, then click OK, to stop CD autoplay.
This setting does not prevent Autoplay for music CDs.
13) Synchronize Your Computer Clock with an Internet Time Server
Does your computer have the right time? If your computer is not part of a
domain, you can synchronize your computer clock with an Internet time server.
To do so:
Double–click the time on your task bar.
Click the Internet Time tab.
Select the time server you want to use and make sure to select the Automatically
synchronize with an Internet time
server check box.
14) Win XP Won’t Completely Shutdown
Go to Control Panel, then go to Power Options.
Click on the APM tab, then check the "Enable Advanced Power Management support."
Shut down your PC.
It should now successfully complete the Shut Down process.
15) Adjust Various Visual Effects
Open up the Control Panel.
Go under System and click on the Advanced tab.
Click settings under Performance options.
You can now change various graphical effects (mainly animations and shadows).
16) Disable Error Reporting
Open Control Panel.
Click on Performance and Maintenance.
Click on System.
Then click on the Advanced tab.
Click on the error-reporting button on the bottom of the windows.
Select Disable error reporting.
Click OK. Click OK.
17) Increase Your Cable Modem or DSL Speed in XP
This tweak is for broad band cable connections on stand alone machines with
WinXP professional version - might work on Home version also. It may also work
with networked machines as well.
This tweak assumes that you have let WinXP create a connection on install for
your cable modem/NIC combination and that your connection has tcp/ip - QoS -
file and print sharing - and client for Microsoft networks , only, installed.
It also assumes that WinXP will detect your NIC and has in-box drivers for it.
If it doesn't do not try this.
In the "My Network Places" properties (right-click on the desktop icon and
choose properties), highlight the connection
then at the menu bar choose "Advanced" then "Advanced Settings". Uncheck the
two boxes in the lower half for the
bindings for File and Printer sharing and Client for MS networks. Click OK.
18) Stop Jerky Graphics
If you are connected to a LAN and have problems with jerky graphics, this might
be the solution:
Right-click "MyComputer".
Select "Manage".
Click on "Device Manager".
Double-click on your NIC under "Network Adapters".
In the new window, select the "Advanced" tab.
Select "Connection Type" and manually set the value of your NIC. (Not "Auto
Sense" which is default.).
You should reboot.
19) Speeding Up Your Old Shit Pentium by 50%
We all know that you really shouldn't try to run Windows XP on anything less
that about a Pentium 3 of some sort if you are out for speedy operations and
amazing reaction times, but for those of us with the good old Pentium 2's who
want to see just how well we can run XP, we have to tweak as much as we can
where-ever we can. A real killer to the system's performance is Windows Media
Player. Although it may look desirable and fancy with it's rounded off edges
and 3rd-Dimensional appearance, the truth is, it takes up a large amount of that
Precious processing power. All of these troubles however, lead to one thing in
particular with this 'new-look' over-rated music and video player...the
Visualizations. The look-great I'll admit but like a lot of software these
days, it has no purpose. If you run the task manager, and click the Performance
Tab along the top, you'll see that when Windows Media Player is running and
Nothing else is active, it takes up around 50% of the processors power. Once
These visualizations are turned off; it barely takes up 2-3% of the processors
Power, which leaves much more room for other applications to work efficiently.
Here's how to disable the feature:
Open Media Player.
Make sure the Now Playing tab on the left is selected.
Click the View menu along the top.
Go down to Now Playing Tools
20) Turn off System Restore to Save Space
By default, Windows XP keeps a backup of system files in the System Volume
Information folder. This can eat up valuable space on your hard drive. If you
don't want Windows to back up your system files:
Open the Control Panel.
Double-click on System.
Click the System Restore tab.
Check "Turn off System Restore on all drives".
Hit Apply.
You may now delete the System Volume Information folder.
download the nice and easy Nt/2k/xp password cracker from
or other way is if u get acess to the computer then go to Start>Run and type
“control userpasswords2” without Quotes and a new pop up windows will open and u
will reach to user account properties.Here u can Reset the Administrator and any Users password so anytime when u Want to use the Computer start it in safemode pressing F8 at Booting get into the xp as u have administrator password and go to Control panel>Useraccounts and create a New
Account .Start Computer Normally and get into WinXP with ur newely made account and do ur job.
(Don’t forget to Delete ur newely made account Otherwise u will be in trouble)
Delete ur account again starting the computer in Safemode as Administrator and
Delete ur Account.
2) Disable XP Boot Logo
It is possible to disable the XP splash screen, which will slightly speed up the
overall boot process. Be aware that removing the splash screen will also cause
you not to see any boot-up messages that might come up (chkdsk, convert ... ),
but if your system runs without any problems then it should not matter.
Edit boot.ini.
Add " /noguiboot" right after "/fastdetect".
Upon restarting, the splash screen will be gone. It can be re-enabled by
removing the new switch.
3) Turn Off Indexing to Speed Up XP
Windows XP keeps a record of all files on the hard disk so when you do a search
on the hard drive it is faster. There is a downside to this and because the
computer has to index all files, it will slow down normal file commands like
open, close, etc. If you do not do a whole lot of searches on your hard drive
then you may want to turn this feature off:
Open My Computer.
Right-click your hard drive icon and select Properties.
At the bottom of the window you'll see "Allow indexing service to index this
disk for faster searches," uncheck this and click ok.
A new window will pop up and select Apply to all folders and subfolders.
It will take a minute or two for the changes to take affect but then you should
enjoy slightly faster performance.
4) Clean Your Prefetch to Improve Performance
This is a unique technique for WinXP. We know that it is necessary to scrub
registry and TEMP files for Win9X/ME/2000 periodically. Prefetch is a new and
very useful technique in Windows XP. However, after using XP some time, the
prefetch directory can get full of junk and obsolete links in the Prefetch
catalog, which can slow down your computer noticeably.
Open C (system drive):/windows/prefetch, delete those junk and obsolete files,
reboot. It is recommended that you do this every month.
5) Performance Increase Through My Computer
Easy enough tweak to usually find out about it on your own, but still, some of
us still don't find it right away. So here it is:
Start > right-click on My Computer and select Properties.
Click on the "Advanced" tab.
See the "Performance" section? Click "Settings".
Disable the following:
Fade or slide menus into view
Fade or slide ToolTips into view
Fade out menu items after clicking
Show Shadows under menus
Slide open combo boxes
Slide taskbar buttons
Use a background image for each folder type
Use common tasks in folders
There, now Windows will still look nice and perform faster.
6) Reduce 10 Second Scandisk Wait Time
Start MS Dos Prompt (Start run CMD), and type: CHKNTFS /T:4
where 4 is the amount of wait time.
CHKNTFS /? for more info.
7) DMA Mode on IDE Devices
Just like Windows 2000, Windows XP still fails to set the DMA mode correctly for
the IDE device designated as the slaves on the primary IDE and secondary IDE
channels. Most CD-ROMS are capable of supporting DMA mode, but the default in
XP is still PIO. Setting it to DMA won't make your CD-ROM faster, but it will
consume less CPU cycles. Here's how:
Open the Device Manager. One way to do that is to right-click on "My Computer",
select the Hardware tab, and select Device Manager.
Expand "IDE ATA/ATAPI Controllers" and double-click on "Primary IDE Channel".
Under the "Advanced Settings" tab, check the "Device 1" setting. More than
likely, your current transfer mode is set to PIO.
Set it to "DMA if available".
Repeat the step for the "Secondary IDE Channel" if you have devices attached to
it. Reboot.
8) Load Internet Explorer the Fastest Way Possible
Edit your link to start Internet Explorer to have -nohome after it. For
Example: "C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\IEXPLORE.EXE" -nohome
This will load internet explorer very fast because it does not load a web page
while it is loading. If you want to go to your homepage after it is loaded,
Just click on the home button.
9) Easy Way to Adjust LargeSystemCache
Normally, the tweak I've seen asks you to go into
HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management and
change the value to either O or 1 to the adjustment the LargeSystemCache.
However, in Windows XP, all you have to do is:
Right-click My Computer.
Select Properties.
Click Advanced.
Choose Performance.
Click Advanced again.
Select either Programs or System Cache under Memory Usage.
Programs = 0 for the registry tweak equivalent
System Cache = 1 for the registry tweak equivalent
10) Shutdown XP Faster
Like previous versions of windows, it takes long time to restart or shutdown
windows XP when the "Exit Windows" sound is enabled. To solve this problem you
must disable this useless sound.
Click Start button.
Go to settings > Control Panel > Sound, Speech and Audio devices > Sounds and
Audio Devices > Sounds.
Then under program events and windows menu click on "Exit Windows" sub-menu and
highlight it. Now from sounds you can select, choose "none" and then click
Apply and OK.
Now you should see some improvements when shutting down your system.
11) Easily Disable Messenger
Go into: C:/Program Files/Messenger. Rename the Messenger folder to
This does not slow down Outlook Express or hinder system performance.
12) Turn Off Autoplay for Program CDs
How can you stop Windows XP from launching program CDs?
Click Start, click Run, type GPEDIT.MSC to open Group Policy in the Microsoft
Management Console.
Double-click Computer Configuration, double-click Administrative templates,
double-click System, and then click Turn off autoplay.
The instructions on your screen describe how to configure this setting. Click
Properties to display the setting dialog.
Click Enabled, and choose CD-ROM drives, then click OK, to stop CD autoplay.
This setting does not prevent Autoplay for music CDs.
13) Synchronize Your Computer Clock with an Internet Time Server
Does your computer have the right time? If your computer is not part of a
domain, you can synchronize your computer clock with an Internet time server.
To do so:
Double–click the time on your task bar.
Click the Internet Time tab.
Select the time server you want to use and make sure to select the Automatically
synchronize with an Internet time
server check box.
14) Win XP Won’t Completely Shutdown
Go to Control Panel, then go to Power Options.
Click on the APM tab, then check the "Enable Advanced Power Management support."
Shut down your PC.
It should now successfully complete the Shut Down process.
15) Adjust Various Visual Effects
Open up the Control Panel.
Go under System and click on the Advanced tab.
Click settings under Performance options.
You can now change various graphical effects (mainly animations and shadows).
16) Disable Error Reporting
Open Control Panel.
Click on Performance and Maintenance.
Click on System.
Then click on the Advanced tab.
Click on the error-reporting button on the bottom of the windows.
Select Disable error reporting.
Click OK. Click OK.
17) Increase Your Cable Modem or DSL Speed in XP
This tweak is for broad band cable connections on stand alone machines with
WinXP professional version - might work on Home version also. It may also work
with networked machines as well.
This tweak assumes that you have let WinXP create a connection on install for
your cable modem/NIC combination and that your connection has tcp/ip - QoS -
file and print sharing - and client for Microsoft networks , only, installed.
It also assumes that WinXP will detect your NIC and has in-box drivers for it.
If it doesn't do not try this.
In the "My Network Places" properties (right-click on the desktop icon and
choose properties), highlight the connection
then at the menu bar choose "Advanced" then "Advanced Settings". Uncheck the
two boxes in the lower half for the
bindings for File and Printer sharing and Client for MS networks. Click OK.
18) Stop Jerky Graphics
If you are connected to a LAN and have problems with jerky graphics, this might
be the solution:
Right-click "MyComputer".
Select "Manage".
Click on "Device Manager".
Double-click on your NIC under "Network Adapters".
In the new window, select the "Advanced" tab.
Select "Connection Type" and manually set the value of your NIC. (Not "Auto
Sense" which is default.).
You should reboot.
19) Speeding Up Your Old Shit Pentium by 50%
We all know that you really shouldn't try to run Windows XP on anything less
that about a Pentium 3 of some sort if you are out for speedy operations and
amazing reaction times, but for those of us with the good old Pentium 2's who
want to see just how well we can run XP, we have to tweak as much as we can
where-ever we can. A real killer to the system's performance is Windows Media
Player. Although it may look desirable and fancy with it's rounded off edges
and 3rd-Dimensional appearance, the truth is, it takes up a large amount of that
Precious processing power. All of these troubles however, lead to one thing in
particular with this 'new-look' over-rated music and video player...the
Visualizations. The look-great I'll admit but like a lot of software these
days, it has no purpose. If you run the task manager, and click the Performance
Tab along the top, you'll see that when Windows Media Player is running and
Nothing else is active, it takes up around 50% of the processors power. Once
These visualizations are turned off; it barely takes up 2-3% of the processors
Power, which leaves much more room for other applications to work efficiently.
Here's how to disable the feature:
Open Media Player.
Make sure the Now Playing tab on the left is selected.
Click the View menu along the top.
Go down to Now Playing Tools
20) Turn off System Restore to Save Space
By default, Windows XP keeps a backup of system files in the System Volume
Information folder. This can eat up valuable space on your hard drive. If you
don't want Windows to back up your system files:
Open the Control Panel.
Double-click on System.
Click the System Restore tab.
Check "Turn off System Restore on all drives".
Hit Apply.
You may now delete the System Volume Information folder.
MS DOS Overview
ANSI.SYS Defines functions that change display graphics, control cursor movement, and reassign keys.
APPEND Causes MS-DOS to look in other directories when editing a file or running a command.
ARP Displays, adds, and removes arp information from network devices.
ASSIGN Assign a drive letter to an alternate letter.
ASSOC View the file associations.
AT Schedule a time to execute commands or programs.
ATMADM Lists connections and addresses seen by Windows ATM call manager.
ATTRIB Display and change file attributes.
BATCH Recovery console command that executes a series of commands in a file.
BOOTCFG Recovery console command that allows a user to view, modify, and rebuild the boot.ini
BREAK Enable / disable CTRL + C feature.
CACLS View and modify file ACL's.
CALL Calls a batch file from another batch file.
CD Changes directories.
CHCP Supplement the International keyboard and character set information.
CHDIR Changes directories.
CHKDSK Check the hard disk drive running FAT for errors.
CHKNTFS Check the hard disk drive running NTFS for errors.
CHOICE Specify a listing of multiple options within a batch file.
CLS Clears the screen.
CMD Opens the command interpreter.
COLOR Easily change the foreground and background color of the MS-DOS window.
COMMAND Opens the command interpreter.
COMP Compares files.
COMPACT Compresses and uncompress files.
CONTROL Open control panel icons from the MS-DOS prompt.
COPY Copy one or more files to an alternate location.
CTTY Change the computers input/output devices.
DATE View or change the systems date.
DEBUG Debug utility to create assembly programs to modify hardware settings.
DEFRAG Re-arrange the hard disk drive to help with loading programs.
DEL Deletes one or more files.
DELETE Recovery console command that deletes a file.
DELTREE Deletes one or more files and/or directories.
DIR List the contents of one or more directory.
DISABLE Recovery console command that disables Windows system services or drivers.
DISKCOMP Compare a disk with another disk.
DISKCOPY Copy the contents of one disk and place them on another disk.
DOSKEY Command to view and execute commands that have been run in the past.
DOSSHELL A GUI to help with early MS-DOS users.
DRIVPARM Enables overwrite of original device drivers.
ECHO Displays messages and enables and disables echo.
EDIT View and edit files.
EDLIN View and edit files.
EMM386 Load extended Memory Manager.
ENABLE Recovery console command to enable a disable service or driver.
ENDLOCAL Stops the localization of the environment changes enabled by the setlocal command.
ERASE Erase files from computer.
EXIT Exit from the command interpreter.
EXPAND Expand a Microsoft Windows file back to it's original format.
EXTRACT Extract files from the Microsoft Windows cabinets.
FASTHELP Displays a listing of MS-DOS commands and information about them.
FC Compare files.
FDISK Utility used to create partitions on the hard disk drive.
FIND Search for text within a file.
FINDSTR Searches for a string of text within a file.
FIXBOOT Writes a new boot sector.
FIXMBR Writes a new boot record to a disk drive.
FOR Boolean used in batch files.
FORMAT Command to erase and prepare a disk drive.
FTP Command to connect and operate on a FTP server.
FTYPE Displays or modifies file types used in file extension associations.
GOTO Moves a batch file to a specific label or location.
GRAFTABL Show extended characters in graphics mode.
HELP Display a listing of commands and brief explanation.
IF Allows for batch files to perform conditional processing.
IFSHLP.SYS 32-bit file manager.
IPCONFIG Network command to view network adapter settings and assigned values.
KEYB Change layout of keyboard.
LABEL Change the label of a disk drive.
LH Load a device driver in to high memory.
LISTSVC Recovery console command that displays the services and drivers.
LOADFIX Load a program above the first 64k.
LOADHIGH Load a device driver in to high memory.
LOCK Lock the hard disk drive.
LOGON Recovery console command to list installations and enable administrator login.
MAP Displays the device name of a drive.
MD Command to create a new directory.
MEM Display memory on system.
MKDIR Command to create a new directory.
MODE Modify the port or display settings.
MORE Display one page at a time.
MOVE Move one or more files from one directory to another directory.
MSAV Early Microsoft Virus scanner.
MSD Diagnostics utility.
MSCDEX Utility used to load and provide access to the CD-ROM.
NBTSTAT Displays protocol statistics and current TCP/IP connections using NBT
NET Update, fix, or view the network or network settings
NETSH Configure dynamic and static network information from MS-DOS.
NETSTAT Display the TCP/IP network protocol statistics and information.
NLSFUNC Load country specific information.
NSLOOKUP Look up an IP address of a domain or host on a network.
PATH View and modify the computers path location.
PATHPING View and locate locations of network latency.
PAUSE Command used in batch files to stop the processing of a command.
PING Test / send information to another network computer or network device.
POPD Changes to the directory or network path stored by the pushd command.
POWER Conserve power with computer portables.
PRINT Prints data to a printer port.
PROMPT View and change the MS-DOS prompt.
PUSHD Stores a directory or network path in memory so it can be returned to at any time.
QBASIC Open the QBasic.
RD Removes an empty directory.
REN Renames a file or directory.
RENAME Renames a file or directory.
RMDIR Removes an empty directory.
ROUTE View and configure windows network route tables.
RUNAS Enables a user to execute a program on another computer.
SCANDISK Run the scandisk utility.
SCANREG Scan registry and recover registry from errors.
SET Change one variable or string to another.
SETLOCAL Enables local environments to be changed without affecting anything else.
SETVER Change MS-DOS version to trick older MS-DOS programs.
SHARE Installs support for file sharing and locking capabilities.
SHIFT Changes the position of replaceable parameters in a batch program.
SHUTDOWN Shutdown the computer from the MS-DOS prompt.
SMARTDRV Create a disk cache in conventional memory or extended memory.
SORT Sorts the input and displays the output to the screen.
START Start a separate window in Windows from the MS-DOS prompt.
SUBST Substitute a folder on your computer for another drive letter.
SWITCHES Remove add functions from MS-DOS.
SYS Transfer system files to disk drive.
TELNET Telnet to another computer / device from the prompt.
TIME View or modify the system time.
TITLE Change the title of their MS-DOS window.
TRACERT Visually view a network packets route across a network.
TREE View a visual tree of the hard disk drive.
TYPE Display the contents of a file.
UNDELETE Undelete a file that has been deleted.
UNFORMAT Unformat a hard disk drive.
UNLOCK Unlock a disk drive.
VER Display the version information.
VERIFY Enables or disables the feature to determine if files have been written properly.
VOL Displays the volume information about the designated drive.
XCOPY Copy multiple files, directories, and/or drives from one location to another.
ANSI.SYS Defines functions that change display graphics, control cursor movement, and reassign keys.
APPEND Causes MS-DOS to look in other directories when editing a file or running a command.
ARP Displays, adds, and removes arp information from network devices.
ASSIGN Assign a drive letter to an alternate letter.
ASSOC View the file associations.
AT Schedule a time to execute commands or programs.
ATMADM Lists connections and addresses seen by Windows ATM call manager.
ATTRIB Display and change file attributes.
BATCH Recovery console command that executes a series of commands in a file.
BOOTCFG Recovery console command that allows a user to view, modify, and rebuild the boot.ini
BREAK Enable / disable CTRL + C feature.
CACLS View and modify file ACL's.
CALL Calls a batch file from another batch file.
CD Changes directories.
CHCP Supplement the International keyboard and character set information.
CHDIR Changes directories.
CHKDSK Check the hard disk drive running FAT for errors.
CHKNTFS Check the hard disk drive running NTFS for errors.
CHOICE Specify a listing of multiple options within a batch file.
CLS Clears the screen.
CMD Opens the command interpreter.
COLOR Easily change the foreground and background color of the MS-DOS window.
COMMAND Opens the command interpreter.
COMP Compares files.
COMPACT Compresses and uncompress files.
CONTROL Open control panel icons from the MS-DOS prompt.
COPY Copy one or more files to an alternate location.
CTTY Change the computers input/output devices.
DATE View or change the systems date.
DEBUG Debug utility to create assembly programs to modify hardware settings.
DEFRAG Re-arrange the hard disk drive to help with loading programs.
DEL Deletes one or more files.
DELETE Recovery console command that deletes a file.
DELTREE Deletes one or more files and/or directories.
DIR List the contents of one or more directory.
DISABLE Recovery console command that disables Windows system services or drivers.
DISKCOMP Compare a disk with another disk.
DISKCOPY Copy the contents of one disk and place them on another disk.
DOSKEY Command to view and execute commands that have been run in the past.
DOSSHELL A GUI to help with early MS-DOS users.
DRIVPARM Enables overwrite of original device drivers.
ECHO Displays messages and enables and disables echo.
EDIT View and edit files.
EDLIN View and edit files.
EMM386 Load extended Memory Manager.
ENABLE Recovery console command to enable a disable service or driver.
ENDLOCAL Stops the localization of the environment changes enabled by the setlocal command.
ERASE Erase files from computer.
EXIT Exit from the command interpreter.
EXPAND Expand a Microsoft Windows file back to it's original format.
EXTRACT Extract files from the Microsoft Windows cabinets.
FASTHELP Displays a listing of MS-DOS commands and information about them.
FC Compare files.
FDISK Utility used to create partitions on the hard disk drive.
FIND Search for text within a file.
FINDSTR Searches for a string of text within a file.
FIXBOOT Writes a new boot sector.
FIXMBR Writes a new boot record to a disk drive.
FOR Boolean used in batch files.
FORMAT Command to erase and prepare a disk drive.
FTP Command to connect and operate on a FTP server.
FTYPE Displays or modifies file types used in file extension associations.
GOTO Moves a batch file to a specific label or location.
GRAFTABL Show extended characters in graphics mode.
HELP Display a listing of commands and brief explanation.
IF Allows for batch files to perform conditional processing.
IFSHLP.SYS 32-bit file manager.
IPCONFIG Network command to view network adapter settings and assigned values.
KEYB Change layout of keyboard.
LABEL Change the label of a disk drive.
LH Load a device driver in to high memory.
LISTSVC Recovery console command that displays the services and drivers.
LOADFIX Load a program above the first 64k.
LOADHIGH Load a device driver in to high memory.
LOCK Lock the hard disk drive.
LOGON Recovery console command to list installations and enable administrator login.
MAP Displays the device name of a drive.
MD Command to create a new directory.
MEM Display memory on system.
MKDIR Command to create a new directory.
MODE Modify the port or display settings.
MORE Display one page at a time.
MOVE Move one or more files from one directory to another directory.
MSAV Early Microsoft Virus scanner.
MSD Diagnostics utility.
MSCDEX Utility used to load and provide access to the CD-ROM.
NBTSTAT Displays protocol statistics and current TCP/IP connections using NBT
NET Update, fix, or view the network or network settings
NETSH Configure dynamic and static network information from MS-DOS.
NETSTAT Display the TCP/IP network protocol statistics and information.
NLSFUNC Load country specific information.
NSLOOKUP Look up an IP address of a domain or host on a network.
PATH View and modify the computers path location.
PATHPING View and locate locations of network latency.
PAUSE Command used in batch files to stop the processing of a command.
PING Test / send information to another network computer or network device.
POPD Changes to the directory or network path stored by the pushd command.
POWER Conserve power with computer portables.
PRINT Prints data to a printer port.
PROMPT View and change the MS-DOS prompt.
PUSHD Stores a directory or network path in memory so it can be returned to at any time.
QBASIC Open the QBasic.
RD Removes an empty directory.
REN Renames a file or directory.
RENAME Renames a file or directory.
RMDIR Removes an empty directory.
ROUTE View and configure windows network route tables.
RUNAS Enables a user to execute a program on another computer.
SCANDISK Run the scandisk utility.
SCANREG Scan registry and recover registry from errors.
SET Change one variable or string to another.
SETLOCAL Enables local environments to be changed without affecting anything else.
SETVER Change MS-DOS version to trick older MS-DOS programs.
SHARE Installs support for file sharing and locking capabilities.
SHIFT Changes the position of replaceable parameters in a batch program.
SHUTDOWN Shutdown the computer from the MS-DOS prompt.
SMARTDRV Create a disk cache in conventional memory or extended memory.
SORT Sorts the input and displays the output to the screen.
START Start a separate window in Windows from the MS-DOS prompt.
SUBST Substitute a folder on your computer for another drive letter.
SWITCHES Remove add functions from MS-DOS.
SYS Transfer system files to disk drive.
TELNET Telnet to another computer / device from the prompt.
TIME View or modify the system time.
TITLE Change the title of their MS-DOS window.
TRACERT Visually view a network packets route across a network.
TREE View a visual tree of the hard disk drive.
TYPE Display the contents of a file.
UNDELETE Undelete a file that has been deleted.
UNFORMAT Unformat a hard disk drive.
UNLOCK Unlock a disk drive.
VER Display the version information.
VERIFY Enables or disables the feature to determine if files have been written properly.
VOL Displays the volume information about the designated drive.
XCOPY Copy multiple files, directories, and/or drives from one location to another.
Nokia Codes
To view IMEI number *#06#
To view Software Version enter *#0000#
To view Status of Sim Clock Stop. Enter *#746025625#
Latest Version is under Phone Info
Type is NSE-3NX
*#92702689# offers you Serial Number and also IMEI number. There are various options to scroll here.
The code is easier to remember as *#war0anty# (warranty)
The next screen is the date of manufacture in the format Made: 1197
The next screen is the purchase date in the format Purchasing Date: 1197 (this can be edited)
The next screen has Repaired: 0000 (presumable at repair the date is entered)
The next screen has Transfer User Data? (the same option as the 8110)
To exit turn the phone off and then back on.
*3370# to activate Enhanced Full Rate (*efr0#)
#3370# to deactivate Enhanced Full Rate (#efr0#)
*4720# to activate Half Rate (*hra0#) ONLY IN SOFTWARE VERSION V4.33 OR EARLIER
#4720# to deactivate Half Rate (#hra0#)
After pressing these codes the phone will shut down and start up again with the service activated/deactivated.
Unlock SP lock
Here is a way to Unlock your phone which is Service Provider locked, without to know SPLock code !!!!
Give it a try:
First of all, PIN CODE MUST BE ON, then press:C and hold until it clears display
* and hold until start to blink
* and hold until start to blink
04* * *your pin#
Each time you turn your phone OFF it resets the lock, so this need to be done each time you'll turn your phone ON :-(
Anyway it's better than nothing, isn't it?
6110 Sim Card Locking
There are four different types of Sim Locks on the 6110 (not sure about 5110 yet).
1 = Country Lock - Lock to Specific Country
2 = Network Lock - Lock to Network
3 = Provider Lock - Lock to Service Provider
4 = Sim Lock - Lock to Specific SIM Card
To see the status of your phone
(mastercode) is a 10 digit number WITHOUT the brackets.
X is a number 1 through 4, it shows the above locks. Not sure of which numbers are assigned to which lock yet. (The numbers above stand for X => for esample: 1 = Country Lock
Sim not restricted message means your phone is NOT sim locked - Check all 4 to be sure.
Most SIMs are locked with the Service Provider Lock => f.e. to the network of MAX
Adding NEW Ring Tones
Set SMSC to +358405202999 (Smart Messaging)
Senf a SMS to 99999 with the word TONES in the message
When you get the reply, edit the message so that the tone that you want does not have a asterisk in front of it. Now send the message to 99999. The phone will display NEW RINGTONE RECEIVED.
Turning on Car Kit and Head Set Menus (Cannot be turned off)
To enable the headset-function, you have to short-circuit the "3" and "4". After a short time there is "Headset" on the display Now, menu 3-6 is now enabled!
To enable the car kit-function you have to short-circuit the "4" and "5". After a short time, "Car" is shown on the display and the menu 3-7 is enabled!!
If you short-circuit the left and the right contact with the middle contact ("3", "6" and "9") the Nokia Software hangs! The profile "Headset" will be activated. Before you do this, just active the "auto call receive" function in the headphone profile and set the ringing volume to "mute" Now you can use your phone for checking out what people are talking about in a room. Place the phone somewhere under a table in this room and call your phone! The phone receives the call without ringing and you can listen to the words these people are talking about!
Nokia 1610
To view IMEI number *#06#
To view Software Version enter *#170602112302#
Latest Version is under Phone Info
Desktop Charger----------------------|
| |
| |
V V 1 2 3 4 5 6 V
(o) | | [= = = = = =] | |
7 8 9 10 11 12
1 GND Digital Ground
2 V_OUT Accessory Output Supply. (Min/Typ/Max - 3.25V...10V - Output Current 50mA)
3 XMIC External Microphone Input and Accessory Identification
*TYP/MAX: 8...50 mV(The Maximum Value Corresponds to 0dBm Network
ID Accessory Identification
4 NC Not Connected
5 NC Not Connected
6 MBUS Serial Control Bus
*Logic Low Level: 0....0.5V
*Logic High Level:2.4V....3.2V
7 NC Not Connected
8 SGND Signal Ground
9 XEAR External Speaker and Mute Control
*Min/Typ/Max: 0....32....500 mV (Typical level corresponds to -16 dBM)
Network Level with Volume Control in Nominal Position 8dB Below Maximum
Maximum 0 dBM Maximum Volume Codec Gain -6dB)
Mute ON (HF SPEAKER MUTE ):0...0,5 V d.c.
Mute OFF (HF SPEAKER ACTIVE ): 1,0...1,7 V d.c.
10 Hook Hook Signal
*Hook Off (Handset in Use): 0....0.5V
*Hook On (Handset in Use): 2.4V....3.2V
11 NC Not Connected
12 V_IN Charging Supply Voltage (Max 16V)
Nokia 2010
To view IMEI number *#06#
To view Software Version enter *#9999#
To view IMEI number *#06#
To view Software Version enter *#9999#
Latest Version is under Phone Info
Type is NHE-1XN
Unlock SP lock
Here is a way to Unlock your phone which is Service Provider locked, without to know SPLock code !!!!
Give it a try
Turn the phone on, when the phone asks for the Security Code,
now quickly press:
Each time you turn your phone OFF it resets the lock, so this need to be done each time you'll turn your phone ON :-(
Anyway it's better than nothing, isn't it?
Nokia 2110e/2110i
To view IMEI number *#06#
To view Software Version enter *#170602112302#
If you have latest software version you have to enter *#682371158412125#
Latest Version is under Phone Info
To view Week and Year of manufacture enter *#3283#
On phones prior to 01/01/96 1295 means December 95, On phones after 01/01/96 2196 means 21st week of 1996.
To enter small letters hold down the key for a few seconds and it will turn caps off
Nokia 2110 Pinouts
Pinouts of X100 system connector
ANT 16 9 Charging connector
(O) I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I ( ) ( o )
CON 8 1
The left symbol (O) is the antenna connector for car kits. The symbol numbered 16-9 on the top and 8-1 on the bottom is the system connector. the ( ) is the open space next to the connector and the ( o ) is the charging connector for you home-charger.
PIN Name Description
--- ---- -----------
1,9 GND Digital ground
2 MIC/JCONN External audio input from accessories or handsfree microphone. Multiplexed with junction box connection control signal
3 AGND Analogue ground for accessories
4 TDA Transmitted DBUS data to the accessories
5 M2BUS Serial Bidirectional data and control between the handportable and accessories
6 HOOK/RXD2 Hook indication. HP has a 100KE pull-up resistor.
7 PHFS/TXD2 Handsfree device power on/off, data to flash programming device.
8,16 VCHAR Battery charging voltage
10 EAR/HFPWR External Audio output to accessories or handsfree speaker
11 DSYNC DBUS data bit sync clock
12 RDA DBUS recieved data from the accessories
13 BENA Power supply to headset adapter
14 VF Programming voltage for FLASH
15 DCLK DBUS data clock
Battery Connector (on the phone)
1 2 3 4
1 ...... GND ground (-)
2 ...... TBAT battery temperature
3 ...... BTYPE -"- type
4 ...... VBATT -"- battery voltage (+)
As you can imagine. YOU CAN DESTROY YOUR NOKIA BY FOOLING AROUND WITH THESE CONNECTIONS. Therefore I accept NO responsibility for any possible damages. My advise to you is to think twice before doing something and if you are going to try make use of a car-kit holder to get access to the X100 connector since it is to tiny to use a self-fashioned connector. IT IS POSSIBLE TO REPROGRAM THE NOKIA 2110 as is indicated by the pinout description so watch it !
DTMF Programming
If you dial in to a service number which requires DTMF strings after you have dialled in, you can program the whole sequence. What you do is:
Key in the number.
Press the * three times: a 'p' appears (pause).
Key in the DTMF code, you can use 'p' again in this string.
Store this in memory.
If you select the memory place, and dial the stored number, the mobile will wait a few seconds (pause) and then send the string as DTMF.
Another option is to press the * four times: a 'w' appears (wait). When the 'w' is reached in the callstring, 'DTMF' appears at the left menu button. When you press the left menu button the mobile starts sending DTMF.
Carkit Programming
If you use a carkit with handsfree AND additional handset, and you want to switch from handset to handsfree:
Press the left menu button, and put the additional handset on hook.
Now you are on handsfree.
Interesting thing to try
As you may know, 2110i supports Call Cost Limit function which means that you can limit the maximum of calls from your phone. This function has a feature that it shows the remaining credits in the third row of the display. It should decrease every time you make a call, but if your operator doesn't support this yet, you can display your phone number or anything else there.
And how to do this? First, go to the "DURATION AND COST" menu. Select "CALL COSTS LIMIT". The phone asks you the PIN2-code, you should get it from your operator. After entering PIN2, select "Set". Phone asks you "Limit:". Enter maximum of seven numbers you want to be visible on display, for example my phone number is 0405100210, so I enter 5100210. So these numbers will be last numbers on display.
And then go to back to the "DURATION AND COST" menu. Select "SHOW COST IN". Enter the PIN2-code. Select "Currency". Enter "Unit price:", I recommend setting it "1". Phone asks you "Currency unit:" Enter the maximum of three numbers or letters or symbols you want to be visible as first numbers/letters/ symbols on display. I entered "040".
Now you are ready. Quit the menu and the number should be on the third row of the display! So, on my display, the last row of the display says 0405100210. It stays there even if you switch off your phone. (Of course it disappears while
you dial a number or use the menu etc.)
Nokia 3110
To view IMEI number *#06#
To view Software Version enter *#3110#
*#92702689# - phone asks warranty code:
There are a number of choices here
6232 (OK) : Displays the Month and Year of Manufacture
7332 (OK) : Displays the date of the last repair
7832 (OK) : Displays the date where the phone was purchased
9268 (OK) : Display Serial Number
37832 (OK) : Set the Purchasing Date MMYY
87267 (OK) : Confirm Transfer, Related to firmware upgrade.
*#746025625# - phone says 'SIM CLOCK STOP ALLOWED' or "SIM CLOCK STOP NOT ALLOWED" depending on your SIM Card.
*#7780# restores phone's factory settings.
Type is NHE-8
Desktop Charger----------------------|
| |
| |
V V 1 2 3 4 5 6 V
(o) | | [= = = = = =] | |
7 8 9 10 11 12
Unlock SP lock
Here is a way to Unlock your phone which is Service Provider locked, without to know SPLock code !!!!
Give it a try:
First of all, PIN CODE MUST BE ON, then press:
C and hold until it clears display
* and hold until start to blink
* and hold until start to blink
04* * *your pin#
Each time you turn your phone OFF it resets the lock, so this need to be done each time you'll turn your phone ON :-(
Anyway it's better than nothing, isn't it?
Nokia 3810
To view IMEI number *#06#
To view Software Version enter *#3810#
Desktop Charger----------------------|
| |
| |
V V 1 2 3 4 5 6 V
(o) | | [= = = = = =] | |
7 8 9 10 11 12
Nokia 8110/8110i
To view IMEI number *#06#
To view Software Version enter *#8110#
Latest Version is under Phone Info.
*#92702689# - phone asks 'warranty code:'
There are a number of choices here
6232 (OK) : Displays the Month and Year of Manufacture
7332 (OK) : Displays the date of the last repair
7832 (OK) : Displays the date where the phone was purchased
9268 (OK) : Display Serial Number
37832 (OK) : Set the Purchasing Date MMYY
87267 (OK) : Confirm Transfer, Related to firmware upgrade.
*#746025625# - phone says 'SIM CLOCK STOP ALLOWED' or "SIM CLOCK STOP NOT ALLOWED" depending on your SIM Card.
Type of Phone is NHE-6
Desktop Charger----------------------|
| |
| |
V V 1 2 3 4 5 6 V
(o) | | [= = = = = =] | |
7 8 9 10 11 12
1 GND Charger/System Ground
2 V_OUT Accessory Output Supply. (Min/Typ/Max - 3.4V...10V - Output Current 50mA)
3 XMIC External Microphone Input and Accessory Identification
*TYP/MAX: 8...50 mV(The Maximum Value Corresponds to 0dBm Network
Level with input amplifier gain set to 20 dB ,typical value is maximum value -16 dB)
ID Accessory Identification
*1,7...2,05 V Headset Adapter Connected
*1,15...1,4 V Compact Handsfree Unit Connected
*2.22...2.56 V Infra Red Link Conneceted
4 EXT_RF External RF Control Input
Min/Max: 0...0.5V External RF in use
Min/Max: 2.4...3.2V Internal Antenna in use
5 TX FBUS Transmit
6 MBUS Serial Control Bus
*Logic Low Level: 0....0.5V
*Logic High Level:2.4V....3.2V
7 BENA Not Connected
8 SGND Signal Ground
9 XEAR External Speaker and Mute Control
*Min/Typ/Max: 0....32....500 mV (Typical level corresponds to -16 dBM)
Network Level with Volume Control in Nominal Position 8dB Below Maximum
Maximum 0 dBM Maximum Volume Codec Gain -6dB)
Mute ON (HF SPEAKER MUTE ):0...0,5 V d.c.
Mute OFF (HF SPEAKER ACTIVE ): 1,0...1,7 V d.c.
10 Hook Hook Signal
*Hook Off (Handset in Use): 0....0.5V
*Hook On (Handset in Use): 2.4V....3.2V
11 RX FBUS Receive
*Accessory FBUS Receive Signal
12 V_IN Charging Supply Voltage (Max 16V)
Nokia 8810
To view IMEI number *#06#
Nokia 9000/9000i
To view IMEI number *#06#
To view Software Version enter *#682371158412125#
Latest Version is under Phone Info
To view Week and Year of manufacture enter *#3283#
To view Software Version enter *#0000#
To view Status of Sim Clock Stop. Enter *#746025625#
Latest Version is under Phone Info
Type is NSE-3NX
*#92702689# offers you Serial Number and also IMEI number. There are various options to scroll here.
The code is easier to remember as *#war0anty# (warranty)
The next screen is the date of manufacture in the format Made: 1197
The next screen is the purchase date in the format Purchasing Date: 1197 (this can be edited)
The next screen has Repaired: 0000 (presumable at repair the date is entered)
The next screen has Transfer User Data? (the same option as the 8110)
To exit turn the phone off and then back on.
*3370# to activate Enhanced Full Rate (*efr0#)
#3370# to deactivate Enhanced Full Rate (#efr0#)
*4720# to activate Half Rate (*hra0#) ONLY IN SOFTWARE VERSION V4.33 OR EARLIER
#4720# to deactivate Half Rate (#hra0#)
After pressing these codes the phone will shut down and start up again with the service activated/deactivated.
Unlock SP lock
Here is a way to Unlock your phone which is Service Provider locked, without to know SPLock code !!!!
Give it a try:
First of all, PIN CODE MUST BE ON, then press:C and hold until it clears display
* and hold until start to blink
* and hold until start to blink
04* * *your pin#
Each time you turn your phone OFF it resets the lock, so this need to be done each time you'll turn your phone ON :-(
Anyway it's better than nothing, isn't it?
6110 Sim Card Locking
There are four different types of Sim Locks on the 6110 (not sure about 5110 yet).
1 = Country Lock - Lock to Specific Country
2 = Network Lock - Lock to Network
3 = Provider Lock - Lock to Service Provider
4 = Sim Lock - Lock to Specific SIM Card
To see the status of your phone
(mastercode) is a 10 digit number WITHOUT the brackets.
X is a number 1 through 4, it shows the above locks. Not sure of which numbers are assigned to which lock yet. (The numbers above stand for X => for esample: 1 = Country Lock
Sim not restricted message means your phone is NOT sim locked - Check all 4 to be sure.
Most SIMs are locked with the Service Provider Lock => f.e. to the network of MAX
Adding NEW Ring Tones
Set SMSC to +358405202999 (Smart Messaging)
Senf a SMS to 99999 with the word TONES in the message
When you get the reply, edit the message so that the tone that you want does not have a asterisk in front of it. Now send the message to 99999. The phone will display NEW RINGTONE RECEIVED.
Turning on Car Kit and Head Set Menus (Cannot be turned off)
To enable the headset-function, you have to short-circuit the "3" and "4". After a short time there is "Headset" on the display Now, menu 3-6 is now enabled!
To enable the car kit-function you have to short-circuit the "4" and "5". After a short time, "Car" is shown on the display and the menu 3-7 is enabled!!
If you short-circuit the left and the right contact with the middle contact ("3", "6" and "9") the Nokia Software hangs! The profile "Headset" will be activated. Before you do this, just active the "auto call receive" function in the headphone profile and set the ringing volume to "mute" Now you can use your phone for checking out what people are talking about in a room. Place the phone somewhere under a table in this room and call your phone! The phone receives the call without ringing and you can listen to the words these people are talking about!
Nokia 1610
To view IMEI number *#06#
To view Software Version enter *#170602112302#
Latest Version is under Phone Info
Desktop Charger----------------------|
| |
| |
V V 1 2 3 4 5 6 V
(o) | | [= = = = = =] | |
7 8 9 10 11 12
1 GND Digital Ground
2 V_OUT Accessory Output Supply. (Min/Typ/Max - 3.25V...10V - Output Current 50mA)
3 XMIC External Microphone Input and Accessory Identification
*TYP/MAX: 8...50 mV(The Maximum Value Corresponds to 0dBm Network
ID Accessory Identification
4 NC Not Connected
5 NC Not Connected
6 MBUS Serial Control Bus
*Logic Low Level: 0....0.5V
*Logic High Level:2.4V....3.2V
7 NC Not Connected
8 SGND Signal Ground
9 XEAR External Speaker and Mute Control
*Min/Typ/Max: 0....32....500 mV (Typical level corresponds to -16 dBM)
Network Level with Volume Control in Nominal Position 8dB Below Maximum
Maximum 0 dBM Maximum Volume Codec Gain -6dB)
Mute ON (HF SPEAKER MUTE ):0...0,5 V d.c.
Mute OFF (HF SPEAKER ACTIVE ): 1,0...1,7 V d.c.
10 Hook Hook Signal
*Hook Off (Handset in Use): 0....0.5V
*Hook On (Handset in Use): 2.4V....3.2V
11 NC Not Connected
12 V_IN Charging Supply Voltage (Max 16V)
Nokia 2010
To view IMEI number *#06#
To view Software Version enter *#9999#
To view IMEI number *#06#
To view Software Version enter *#9999#
Latest Version is under Phone Info
Type is NHE-1XN
Unlock SP lock
Here is a way to Unlock your phone which is Service Provider locked, without to know SPLock code !!!!
Give it a try
Turn the phone on, when the phone asks for the Security Code,
now quickly press:
Each time you turn your phone OFF it resets the lock, so this need to be done each time you'll turn your phone ON :-(
Anyway it's better than nothing, isn't it?
Nokia 2110e/2110i
To view IMEI number *#06#
To view Software Version enter *#170602112302#
If you have latest software version you have to enter *#682371158412125#
Latest Version is under Phone Info
To view Week and Year of manufacture enter *#3283#
On phones prior to 01/01/96 1295 means December 95, On phones after 01/01/96 2196 means 21st week of 1996.
To enter small letters hold down the key for a few seconds and it will turn caps off
Nokia 2110 Pinouts
Pinouts of X100 system connector
ANT 16 9 Charging connector
(O) I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I ( ) ( o )
CON 8 1
The left symbol (O) is the antenna connector for car kits. The symbol numbered 16-9 on the top and 8-1 on the bottom is the system connector. the ( ) is the open space next to the connector and the ( o ) is the charging connector for you home-charger.
PIN Name Description
--- ---- -----------
1,9 GND Digital ground
2 MIC/JCONN External audio input from accessories or handsfree microphone. Multiplexed with junction box connection control signal
3 AGND Analogue ground for accessories
4 TDA Transmitted DBUS data to the accessories
5 M2BUS Serial Bidirectional data and control between the handportable and accessories
6 HOOK/RXD2 Hook indication. HP has a 100KE pull-up resistor.
7 PHFS/TXD2 Handsfree device power on/off, data to flash programming device.
8,16 VCHAR Battery charging voltage
10 EAR/HFPWR External Audio output to accessories or handsfree speaker
11 DSYNC DBUS data bit sync clock
12 RDA DBUS recieved data from the accessories
13 BENA Power supply to headset adapter
14 VF Programming voltage for FLASH
15 DCLK DBUS data clock
Battery Connector (on the phone)
1 2 3 4
1 ...... GND ground (-)
2 ...... TBAT battery temperature
3 ...... BTYPE -"- type
4 ...... VBATT -"- battery voltage (+)
As you can imagine. YOU CAN DESTROY YOUR NOKIA BY FOOLING AROUND WITH THESE CONNECTIONS. Therefore I accept NO responsibility for any possible damages. My advise to you is to think twice before doing something and if you are going to try make use of a car-kit holder to get access to the X100 connector since it is to tiny to use a self-fashioned connector. IT IS POSSIBLE TO REPROGRAM THE NOKIA 2110 as is indicated by the pinout description so watch it !
DTMF Programming
If you dial in to a service number which requires DTMF strings after you have dialled in, you can program the whole sequence. What you do is:
Key in the number.
Press the * three times: a 'p' appears (pause).
Key in the DTMF code, you can use 'p' again in this string.
Store this in memory.
If you select the memory place, and dial the stored number, the mobile will wait a few seconds (pause) and then send the string as DTMF.
Another option is to press the * four times: a 'w' appears (wait). When the 'w' is reached in the callstring, 'DTMF' appears at the left menu button. When you press the left menu button the mobile starts sending DTMF.
Carkit Programming
If you use a carkit with handsfree AND additional handset, and you want to switch from handset to handsfree:
Press the left menu button, and put the additional handset on hook.
Now you are on handsfree.
Interesting thing to try
As you may know, 2110i supports Call Cost Limit function which means that you can limit the maximum of calls from your phone. This function has a feature that it shows the remaining credits in the third row of the display. It should decrease every time you make a call, but if your operator doesn't support this yet, you can display your phone number or anything else there.
And how to do this? First, go to the "DURATION AND COST" menu. Select "CALL COSTS LIMIT". The phone asks you the PIN2-code, you should get it from your operator. After entering PIN2, select "Set". Phone asks you "Limit:". Enter maximum of seven numbers you want to be visible on display, for example my phone number is 0405100210, so I enter 5100210. So these numbers will be last numbers on display.
And then go to back to the "DURATION AND COST" menu. Select "SHOW COST IN". Enter the PIN2-code. Select "Currency". Enter "Unit price:", I recommend setting it "1". Phone asks you "Currency unit:" Enter the maximum of three numbers or letters or symbols you want to be visible as first numbers/letters/ symbols on display. I entered "040".
Now you are ready. Quit the menu and the number should be on the third row of the display! So, on my display, the last row of the display says 0405100210. It stays there even if you switch off your phone. (Of course it disappears while
you dial a number or use the menu etc.)
Nokia 3110
To view IMEI number *#06#
To view Software Version enter *#3110#
*#92702689# - phone asks warranty code:
There are a number of choices here
6232 (OK) : Displays the Month and Year of Manufacture
7332 (OK) : Displays the date of the last repair
7832 (OK) : Displays the date where the phone was purchased
9268 (OK) : Display Serial Number
37832 (OK) : Set the Purchasing Date MMYY
87267 (OK) : Confirm Transfer, Related to firmware upgrade.
*#746025625# - phone says 'SIM CLOCK STOP ALLOWED' or "SIM CLOCK STOP NOT ALLOWED" depending on your SIM Card.
*#7780# restores phone's factory settings.
Type is NHE-8
Desktop Charger----------------------|
| |
| |
V V 1 2 3 4 5 6 V
(o) | | [= = = = = =] | |
7 8 9 10 11 12
Unlock SP lock
Here is a way to Unlock your phone which is Service Provider locked, without to know SPLock code !!!!
Give it a try:
First of all, PIN CODE MUST BE ON, then press:
C and hold until it clears display
* and hold until start to blink
* and hold until start to blink
04* * *your pin#
Each time you turn your phone OFF it resets the lock, so this need to be done each time you'll turn your phone ON :-(
Anyway it's better than nothing, isn't it?
Nokia 3810
To view IMEI number *#06#
To view Software Version enter *#3810#
Desktop Charger----------------------|
| |
| |
V V 1 2 3 4 5 6 V
(o) | | [= = = = = =] | |
7 8 9 10 11 12
Nokia 8110/8110i
To view IMEI number *#06#
To view Software Version enter *#8110#
Latest Version is under Phone Info.
*#92702689# - phone asks 'warranty code:'
There are a number of choices here
6232 (OK) : Displays the Month and Year of Manufacture
7332 (OK) : Displays the date of the last repair
7832 (OK) : Displays the date where the phone was purchased
9268 (OK) : Display Serial Number
37832 (OK) : Set the Purchasing Date MMYY
87267 (OK) : Confirm Transfer, Related to firmware upgrade.
*#746025625# - phone says 'SIM CLOCK STOP ALLOWED' or "SIM CLOCK STOP NOT ALLOWED" depending on your SIM Card.
Type of Phone is NHE-6
Desktop Charger----------------------|
| |
| |
V V 1 2 3 4 5 6 V
(o) | | [= = = = = =] | |
7 8 9 10 11 12
1 GND Charger/System Ground
2 V_OUT Accessory Output Supply. (Min/Typ/Max - 3.4V...10V - Output Current 50mA)
3 XMIC External Microphone Input and Accessory Identification
*TYP/MAX: 8...50 mV(The Maximum Value Corresponds to 0dBm Network
Level with input amplifier gain set to 20 dB ,typical value is maximum value -16 dB)
ID Accessory Identification
*1,7...2,05 V Headset Adapter Connected
*1,15...1,4 V Compact Handsfree Unit Connected
*2.22...2.56 V Infra Red Link Conneceted
4 EXT_RF External RF Control Input
Min/Max: 0...0.5V External RF in use
Min/Max: 2.4...3.2V Internal Antenna in use
5 TX FBUS Transmit
6 MBUS Serial Control Bus
*Logic Low Level: 0....0.5V
*Logic High Level:2.4V....3.2V
7 BENA Not Connected
8 SGND Signal Ground
9 XEAR External Speaker and Mute Control
*Min/Typ/Max: 0....32....500 mV (Typical level corresponds to -16 dBM)
Network Level with Volume Control in Nominal Position 8dB Below Maximum
Maximum 0 dBM Maximum Volume Codec Gain -6dB)
Mute ON (HF SPEAKER MUTE ):0...0,5 V d.c.
Mute OFF (HF SPEAKER ACTIVE ): 1,0...1,7 V d.c.
10 Hook Hook Signal
*Hook Off (Handset in Use): 0....0.5V
*Hook On (Handset in Use): 2.4V....3.2V
11 RX FBUS Receive
*Accessory FBUS Receive Signal
12 V_IN Charging Supply Voltage (Max 16V)
Nokia 8810
To view IMEI number *#06#
Nokia 9000/9000i
To view IMEI number *#06#
To view Software Version enter *#682371158412125#
Latest Version is under Phone Info
To view Week and Year of manufacture enter *#3283#
Monday, May 3, 2010
keyboard shortcuts
Getting used to using your keyboard exclusively and leaving your mouse behind will
make you much more efficient at performing any task on any Windows system. I use the
following keyboard shortcuts every day:
Windows key + R = Run menu
This is usually followed by:
cmd = Command Prompt
iexplore + "web address" = Internet Explorer
compmgmt.msc = Computer Management
dhcpmgmt.msc = DHCP Management
dnsmgmt.msc = DNS Management
services.msc = Services
eventvwr = Event Viewer
dsa.msc = Active Directory Users and Computers
dssite.msc = Active Directory Sites and Services
Windows key + E = Explorer
ALT + Tab = Switch between windows
ALT, Space, X = Maximize window
CTRL + Shift + Esc = Task Manager
Windows key + Break = System properties
Windows key + F = Search
Windows key + D = Hide/Display all windows
CTRL + C = copy
CTRL + X = cut
CTRL + V = paste
Also don't forget about the "Right-click" key next to the right Windows key on your
keyboard. Using the arrows and that key can get just about anything done once you've
opened up any program.
Keyboard Shortcuts
[Alt] and [Esc] Switch between running applications
[Alt] and letter Select menu item by underlined letter
[Ctrl] and [Esc] Open Program Menu
[Ctrl] and [F4] Close active document or group windows (does not work with some
[Alt] and [F4] Quit active application or close current window
[Alt] and [-] Open Control menu for active document
Ctrl] Lft., Rt. arrow Move cursor forward or back one word
Ctrl] Up, Down arrow Move cursor forward or back one paragraph
[F1] Open Help for active application
Windows+M Minimize all open windows
Shift+Windows+M Undo minimize all open windows
Windows+F1 Open Windows Help
Windows+Tab Cycle through the Taskbar buttons
Windows+Break Open the System Properties dialog box
acessability shortcuts
Right SHIFT for eight seconds........ Switch FilterKeys on and off.
Left ALT +left SHIFT +PRINT SCREEN....... Switch High Contrast on and off.
Left ALT +left SHIFT +NUM LOCK....... Switch MouseKeys on and off.
SHIFT....... five times Switch StickyKeys on and off.
NUM LOCK...... for five seconds Switch ToggleKeys on and off.
explorer shortcuts
END....... Display the bottom of the active window.
HOME....... Display the top of the active window.
NUM LOCK+ASTERISK....... on numeric keypad (*) Display all subfolders under the
selected folder.
NUM LOCK+PLUS SIGN....... on numeric keypad (+) Display the contents of the selected
NUM LOCK+MINUS SIGN....... on numeric keypad (-) Collapse the selected folder.
LEFT ARROW...... Collapse current selection if it's expanded, or select parent
RIGHT ARROW....... Display current selection if it's collapsed, or select first
Type the following commands in your Run Box (Windows Key + R) or Start Run
devmgmt.msc = Device Manager
msinfo32 = System Information
cleanmgr = Disk Cleanup
ntbackup = Backup or Restore Wizard (Windows Backup Utility)
mmc = Microsoft Management Console
excel = Microsoft Excel (If Installed)
msaccess = Microsoft Access (If Installed)
powerpnt = Microsoft PowerPoint (If Installed)
winword = Microsoft Word (If Installed)
frontpg = Microsoft FrontPage (If Installed)
notepad = Notepad
wordpad = WordPad
calc = Calculator
msmsgs = Windows Messenger
mspaint = Microsoft Paint
wmplayer = Windows Media Player
rstrui = System Restore
netscp6 = Netscape 6.x
netscp = Netscape 7.x
netscape = Netscape 4.x
waol = America Online
control = Opens the Control Panel
control printers = Opens the Printers Dialog
type in u're adress "google", then press [Right CTRL] and [Enter]
add www. and .com to word and go to it
For Windows XP:
Copy. CTRL+C
Paste. CTRL+V
Undo. CTRL+Z
Delete. DELETE
Delete selected item permanently without placing the item in the Recycle Bin. SHIFT
Copy selected item. CTRL while dragging an item
Create shortcut to selected item. CTRL+SHIFT while dragging an item
Rename selected item. F2
Move the insertion point to the beginning of the next word. CTRL+RIGHT ARROW
point to the beginning of the previous word. CTRL+LEFT ARROW
Move the insertion point to the beginning of the next paragraph. CTRL+DOWN ARROW
Move the insertion point to the beginning of the previous paragraph. CTRL+UP ARROW
Highlight a block of text. CTRL+SHIFT with any of the arrow keys
Select more than one item in a window or on the desktop, or select text within a
document. SHIFT with any of the arrow keys
Select all. CTRL+A
Search for a file or folder. F3
View properties for the selected item. ALT+ENTER
Close the active item, or quit the active program. ALT+F4
Opens the shortcut menu for the active window. ALT+SPACEBAR
Close the active document in programs that allow you to have multiple documents open
simultaneously. CTRL+F4
Switch between open items. ALT+TAB
Cycle through items in the order they were opened. ALT+ESC
Cycle through screen elements in a window or on the desktop. F6
Display the Address bar list in My Computer or Windows Explorer. F4
Display the shortcut menu for the selected item. SHIFT+F10
Display the System menu for the active window. ALT+SPACEBAR
Display the Start menu. CTRL+ESC
Display the corresponding menu. ALT+Underlined letter in a menu name
Carry out the corresponding command. Underlined letter in a command name on an open
Activate the menu bar in the active program. F10
Open the next menu to the right, or open a submenu. RIGHT ARROW
Open the next menu to the left, or close a submenu. LEFT ARROW
Refresh the active window. F5
View the folder one level up in My Computer or Windows Explorer. BACKSPACE
Cancel the current task. ESC
SHIFT when you insert a CD into the CD-ROM drive Prevent the CD from automatically
Use these keyboard shortcuts for dialog boxes:
To Press
Move forward through tabs. CTRL+TAB
Move backward through tabs. CTRL+SHIFT+TAB
Move forward through options. TAB
Move backward through options. SHIFT+TAB
Carry out the corresponding command or select the corresponding option. ALT
+Underlined letter
Carry out the command for the active option or button. ENTER
Select or clear the check box if the active option is a check box. SPACEBAR
Select a button if the active option is a group of option buttons. Arrow keys
Display Help. F1
Display the items in the active list. F4
Open a folder one level up if a folder is selected in the Save As or Open dialog
If you have a Microsoft Natural Keyboard, or any other compatible keyboard that
includes the Windows logo key and the Application key , you can use these keyboard
Display or hide the Start menu. WIN Key
Display the System Properties dialog box. WIN Key+BREAK
Show the desktop. WIN Key+D
Minimize all windows. WIN Key+M
Restores minimized windows. WIN Key+Shift+M
Open My Computer. WIN Key+E
Search for a file or folder. WIN Key+F
Search for computers. CTRL+WIN Key+F
Display Windows Help. WIN Key+F1
Lock your computer if you are connected to a network domain, or switch users if you
are not connected to a network domain. WIN Key+ L
Open the Run dialog box. WIN Key+R
Open Utility Manager. WIN Key+U
accessibility keyboard shortcuts:
Switch FilterKeys on and off. Right SHIFT for eight seconds
Switch High Contrast on and off. Left ALT+left SHIFT+PRINT SCREEN
Switch MouseKeys on and off. Left ALT +left SHIFT +NUM LOCK
Switch StickyKeys on and off. SHIFT five times
Switch ToggleKeys on and off. NUM LOCK for five seconds
Open Utility Manager. WIN Key+U
shortcuts you can use with Windows Explorer:
Display the bottom of the active window. END
Display the top of the active window. HOME
Display all subfolders under the selected folder. NUM LOCK+ASTERISK on numeric
keypad (*)
Display the contents of the selected folder. NUM LOCK+PLUS SIGN on numeric keypad (+)
Collapse the selected folder. NUM LOCK+MINUS SIGN on numeric keypad (-)
Collapse current selection if it's expanded, or select parent folder. LEFT ARROW
Display current selection if it's collapsed, or select first subfolder. RIGHT ARROW
make you much more efficient at performing any task on any Windows system. I use the
following keyboard shortcuts every day:
Windows key + R = Run menu
This is usually followed by:
cmd = Command Prompt
iexplore + "web address" = Internet Explorer
compmgmt.msc = Computer Management
dhcpmgmt.msc = DHCP Management
dnsmgmt.msc = DNS Management
services.msc = Services
eventvwr = Event Viewer
dsa.msc = Active Directory Users and Computers
dssite.msc = Active Directory Sites and Services
Windows key + E = Explorer
ALT + Tab = Switch between windows
ALT, Space, X = Maximize window
CTRL + Shift + Esc = Task Manager
Windows key + Break = System properties
Windows key + F = Search
Windows key + D = Hide/Display all windows
CTRL + C = copy
CTRL + X = cut
CTRL + V = paste
Also don't forget about the "Right-click" key next to the right Windows key on your
keyboard. Using the arrows and that key can get just about anything done once you've
opened up any program.
Keyboard Shortcuts
[Alt] and [Esc] Switch between running applications
[Alt] and letter Select menu item by underlined letter
[Ctrl] and [Esc] Open Program Menu
[Ctrl] and [F4] Close active document or group windows (does not work with some
[Alt] and [F4] Quit active application or close current window
[Alt] and [-] Open Control menu for active document
Ctrl] Lft., Rt. arrow Move cursor forward or back one word
Ctrl] Up, Down arrow Move cursor forward or back one paragraph
[F1] Open Help for active application
Windows+M Minimize all open windows
Shift+Windows+M Undo minimize all open windows
Windows+F1 Open Windows Help
Windows+Tab Cycle through the Taskbar buttons
Windows+Break Open the System Properties dialog box
acessability shortcuts
Right SHIFT for eight seconds........ Switch FilterKeys on and off.
Left ALT +left SHIFT +PRINT SCREEN....... Switch High Contrast on and off.
Left ALT +left SHIFT +NUM LOCK....... Switch MouseKeys on and off.
SHIFT....... five times Switch StickyKeys on and off.
NUM LOCK...... for five seconds Switch ToggleKeys on and off.
explorer shortcuts
END....... Display the bottom of the active window.
HOME....... Display the top of the active window.
NUM LOCK+ASTERISK....... on numeric keypad (*) Display all subfolders under the
selected folder.
NUM LOCK+PLUS SIGN....... on numeric keypad (+) Display the contents of the selected
NUM LOCK+MINUS SIGN....... on numeric keypad (-) Collapse the selected folder.
LEFT ARROW...... Collapse current selection if it's expanded, or select parent
RIGHT ARROW....... Display current selection if it's collapsed, or select first
Type the following commands in your Run Box (Windows Key + R) or Start Run
devmgmt.msc = Device Manager
msinfo32 = System Information
cleanmgr = Disk Cleanup
ntbackup = Backup or Restore Wizard (Windows Backup Utility)
mmc = Microsoft Management Console
excel = Microsoft Excel (If Installed)
msaccess = Microsoft Access (If Installed)
powerpnt = Microsoft PowerPoint (If Installed)
winword = Microsoft Word (If Installed)
frontpg = Microsoft FrontPage (If Installed)
notepad = Notepad
wordpad = WordPad
calc = Calculator
msmsgs = Windows Messenger
mspaint = Microsoft Paint
wmplayer = Windows Media Player
rstrui = System Restore
netscp6 = Netscape 6.x
netscp = Netscape 7.x
netscape = Netscape 4.x
waol = America Online
control = Opens the Control Panel
control printers = Opens the Printers Dialog
type in u're adress "google", then press [Right CTRL] and [Enter]
add www. and .com to word and go to it
For Windows XP:
Copy. CTRL+C
Paste. CTRL+V
Undo. CTRL+Z
Delete. DELETE
Delete selected item permanently without placing the item in the Recycle Bin. SHIFT
Copy selected item. CTRL while dragging an item
Create shortcut to selected item. CTRL+SHIFT while dragging an item
Rename selected item. F2
Move the insertion point to the beginning of the next word. CTRL+RIGHT ARROW
point to the beginning of the previous word. CTRL+LEFT ARROW
Move the insertion point to the beginning of the next paragraph. CTRL+DOWN ARROW
Move the insertion point to the beginning of the previous paragraph. CTRL+UP ARROW
Highlight a block of text. CTRL+SHIFT with any of the arrow keys
Select more than one item in a window or on the desktop, or select text within a
document. SHIFT with any of the arrow keys
Select all. CTRL+A
Search for a file or folder. F3
View properties for the selected item. ALT+ENTER
Close the active item, or quit the active program. ALT+F4
Opens the shortcut menu for the active window. ALT+SPACEBAR
Close the active document in programs that allow you to have multiple documents open
simultaneously. CTRL+F4
Switch between open items. ALT+TAB
Cycle through items in the order they were opened. ALT+ESC
Cycle through screen elements in a window or on the desktop. F6
Display the Address bar list in My Computer or Windows Explorer. F4
Display the shortcut menu for the selected item. SHIFT+F10
Display the System menu for the active window. ALT+SPACEBAR
Display the Start menu. CTRL+ESC
Display the corresponding menu. ALT+Underlined letter in a menu name
Carry out the corresponding command. Underlined letter in a command name on an open
Activate the menu bar in the active program. F10
Open the next menu to the right, or open a submenu. RIGHT ARROW
Open the next menu to the left, or close a submenu. LEFT ARROW
Refresh the active window. F5
View the folder one level up in My Computer or Windows Explorer. BACKSPACE
Cancel the current task. ESC
SHIFT when you insert a CD into the CD-ROM drive Prevent the CD from automatically
Use these keyboard shortcuts for dialog boxes:
To Press
Move forward through tabs. CTRL+TAB
Move backward through tabs. CTRL+SHIFT+TAB
Move forward through options. TAB
Move backward through options. SHIFT+TAB
Carry out the corresponding command or select the corresponding option. ALT
+Underlined letter
Carry out the command for the active option or button. ENTER
Select or clear the check box if the active option is a check box. SPACEBAR
Select a button if the active option is a group of option buttons. Arrow keys
Display Help. F1
Display the items in the active list. F4
Open a folder one level up if a folder is selected in the Save As or Open dialog
If you have a Microsoft Natural Keyboard, or any other compatible keyboard that
includes the Windows logo key and the Application key , you can use these keyboard
Display or hide the Start menu. WIN Key
Display the System Properties dialog box. WIN Key+BREAK
Show the desktop. WIN Key+D
Minimize all windows. WIN Key+M
Restores minimized windows. WIN Key+Shift+M
Open My Computer. WIN Key+E
Search for a file or folder. WIN Key+F
Search for computers. CTRL+WIN Key+F
Display Windows Help. WIN Key+F1
Lock your computer if you are connected to a network domain, or switch users if you
are not connected to a network domain. WIN Key+ L
Open the Run dialog box. WIN Key+R
Open Utility Manager. WIN Key+U
accessibility keyboard shortcuts:
Switch FilterKeys on and off. Right SHIFT for eight seconds
Switch High Contrast on and off. Left ALT+left SHIFT+PRINT SCREEN
Switch MouseKeys on and off. Left ALT +left SHIFT +NUM LOCK
Switch StickyKeys on and off. SHIFT five times
Switch ToggleKeys on and off. NUM LOCK for five seconds
Open Utility Manager. WIN Key+U
shortcuts you can use with Windows Explorer:
Display the bottom of the active window. END
Display the top of the active window. HOME
Display all subfolders under the selected folder. NUM LOCK+ASTERISK on numeric
keypad (*)
Display the contents of the selected folder. NUM LOCK+PLUS SIGN on numeric keypad (+)
Collapse the selected folder. NUM LOCK+MINUS SIGN on numeric keypad (-)
Collapse current selection if it's expanded, or select parent folder. LEFT ARROW
Display current selection if it's collapsed, or select first subfolder. RIGHT ARROW
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Quantitative Ability
1. If an equation (i.e. f(x) = 0) contains all positive co-efficients of any powers of x, it has no positive roots.
Eg: x3+3x2+2x+6=0 has no positive roots
2. For an equation, if all the even powers of x have same sign coefficients and all the odd powers of x have the opposite sign coefficients, then it has no negative roots.
3. For an equation f(x)=0 , the maximum number of positive roots it can have is the number of sign changes in f(x) ; and the maximum number of negative roots it can have is the number of sign changes in f(-x)
4. Complex roots occur in pairs, hence if one of the roots of an equation is 2+3i, another has to be 2-3i and if there are three possible roots of the equation, we can conclude that the last root is real. This real root could be found out by finding the sum of the roots of the equation and subtracting (2+3i)+(2-3i)=4 from that sum.
5.For a cubic equation ax3+bx2+cx+d=o
· Sum of the roots = - b/a
· Sum of the product of the roots taken two at a time = c/a
· Product of the roots = -d/a
For a bi-quadratic equation ax4+bx3+cx2+dx+e = 0
· Sum of the roots = - b/a
· Sum of the product of the roots taken three at a time = c/a
· Sum of the product of the roots taken two at a time = -d/a
· Product of the roots = e/a
6. If an equation f(x)= 0 has only odd powers of x and all these have the same sign coefficients or if f(x) = 0 has only odd powers of x and all these have the same sign coefficients, then the equation has no real roots in each case (except for x=0 in the second case)
7. Consider the two equations
3 If a1/a2 = b1/b2 = c1/c2, then we have infinite solutions for these equations.
4 If a1/a2 = b1/b2 <> c1/c2, then we have no solution.
5 If a1/a2 <> b1/b2, then we have a unique solution.
8. Roots of x2 + x + 1=0 are 1, w, w2 where 1 + w + w2=0 and w3=1
9. |a| + |b| = |a + b| if a*b>=0
else, |a| + |b| >= |a + b|
10. The equation ax2+bx+c=0 will have max. value when a<0>0. The max. or min. value is given by (4ac-b2)/4a and will occur at x = -b/2a
11.If for two numbers x + y=k (a constant), then their PRODUCT is MAXIMUM if x=y (=k/2). The maximum product is then (k2)/4.
If for two numbers x*y=k (a constant), then their SUM is MINIMUM if
x=y (=root(k)). The minimum sum is then 2*root (k).
x=y (=root(k)). The minimum sum is then 2*root (k).
12. Product of any two numbers = Product of their HCF and LCM. Hence product of two numbers = LCM of the numbers if they are prime to each other.
13. For any 2 numbers a, b where a>b
a>AM>GM>HM>b (where AM, GM ,HM stand for arithmetic, geometric , harmonic means respectively)
(GM)^2 = AM * HM
14. For three positive numbers a, b, c
10 (a + b + c) * (1/a + 1/b + 1/c)>=9
15. For any positive integer n
11 2<= (1 + 1/n)^n <=3
16. a2 + b2 + c2 >= ab + bc + ca
If a=b=c, then the case of equality holds good.
17. a4 + b4 + c4 + d4 >= 4abcd (Equality arises when a=b=c=d=1)
18. (n!)2 > nn
19. If a + b + c + d=constant, then the product a^p * b^q * c^r * d^s will be maximum if a/p = b/q = c/r = d/s
20. If n is even, n(n+1)(n+2) is divisible by 24
21. x^n -a^n = (x-a)(x^(n-1) + x^(n-2) + .......+ a^(n-1) ) ......Very useful for finding multiples. For example (17-14=3 will be a multiple of 17^3 - 14^3)
22. e^x = 1 + (x)/1! + (x^2)/2! + (x^3)/3! + infinity
Note: 2 <>
23. log(1+x) = x - (x^2)/2 + (x^3)/3 - (x^4)/4 infinity [Note the alternating sign . .Also note that the logarithm is with respect to base e]
24. (m + n)! is divisible by m! * n!
25. When a three digit number is reversed and the difference of these two numbers is taken, the middle number is always 9 and the sum of the other two numbers is always 9.
26. Any function of the type y=f(x)=(ax-b)/(bx-a) is always of the form x=f(y)
27. The sum of first n natural numbers = n(n+1)/2
The sum of squares of first n natural numbers is n(n+1)(2n+1)/6
The sum of cubes of first n natural numbers is (n(n+1)/2)2/4
The sum of first n even numbers= n (n+1)
The sum of first n odd numbers= n2
28. If a number ‘N’ is represented as a^x * b^y * c^z… where {a, b, c, …} are prime numbers, then
the total number of factors is (x+1)(y+1)(z+1) ....
the total number of relatively prime numbers less than the number is
N * (1-1/a) * (1-1/b) * (1-1/c)....
the sum of relatively prime numbers less than the number is
N/2 * N * (1-1/a) * (1-1/b) * (1-1/c)....
N/2 * N * (1-1/a) * (1-1/b) * (1-1/c)....
the sum of factors of the number is {a^(x+1)} * {b^(y+1)} * ...../(x * y *...)
29. Total no. of prime numbers between 1 and 50 is 15
Total no. of prime numbers between 51 and 100 is 10
Total no. of prime numbers between 101 and 200 is 21
30. The number of squares in n*m board is given by m*(m+1)*(3n-m+1)/6
The number of rectangles in n*m board is given by n+1C2 * m+1C2
31. If ‘r’ is a rational no. lying between 0 and 1, then, r^r can never be rational.
32. Certain nos. to be remembered
210 = 45 = 322 = 1024
38 = 94 = 812 = 6561
7 * 11 * 13 = 1001
11 * 13 * 17 = 2431
13 * 17 * 19 = 4199
19 * 21 * 23 = 9177
19 * 23 * 29 = 12673
33. Where the digits of a no. are added and the resultant figure is 1 or 4 or 7 or 9, then, the no. could be a perfect square.
34. If a no. ‘N’ has got k factors and a^l is one of the factors such that l>=k/2, then, a is the only prime factor for that no.
35. To find out the sum of 3-digit nos. formed with a set of given digits
This is given by (sum of digits) * (no. of digits-1)! * 1111…1 (i.e. based on the no. of digits)
Eg) Find the sum of all 3-digit nos. formed using the digits 2, 3, 5, 7 & 8.
Sum = (2+3+5+7+8) * (5-1)! * 11111 (since 5 digits are there)
= 25 * 24 * 11111
36. Consider the equation x^n + y^n = z^n
As per Fermat’s Last Theorem, the above equation will not have any solution whenever n>=3.
37. Further as per Fermat, where ‘p’ is a prime no. and ‘N’ is co-prime to p, then,
N^(p-1) – 1 is always divisible by p.
N^(p-1) – 1 is always divisible by p.
38. 145 is the 3-digit no. expressed as sum of factorials of the individual digits i.e.
145 = 1! + 4! + 5!
39. Where a no. is of the form a^n – b^n, then,
The no. is always divisible by a - b
Further, the no. is divisible by a + b when n is even and not divisible by
a + b when n is odd
a + b when n is odd
Where a no. is of the form a^n + b^n, then,
35 The no. is usually not divisible by a - b
36 However, the no. is divisible by a + b when n is odd and not divisible by
a + b when n is even
a + b when n is even
40. The relationship between base 10 and base ‘e’ in log is given by
log10N = 0.434 logeN
log10N = 0.434 logeN
41. WINE and WATER formula
Let Q - volume of a vessel, q - qty of a mixture of water and wine be removed each time from a mixture, n - number of times this operation is done and A - final qty of wine in the mixture, then,
A/Q = (1-q / Q)^n
42. Pascal’s Triangle for computing Compound Interest (CI)
The traditional formula for computing CI is
CI = P*(1+R/100)^N – P
Using Pascal’s Triangle,
Number of Years (N)
1 1
2 1 2 1
3 1 3 3 1
4 1 4 6 4 1
… 1 .... .... ... ... ..1
Eg: P = 1000, R=10 %, and N=3 years. What is CI & Amount?
Step 1:
Amount after 3 years = 1 * 1000 + 3 * 100 + 3 * 10 + 1 * 1 = Rs.1331
The coefficients - 1,3,3,1 are lifted from the Pascal's triangle above.
Step 2:
CI after 3 years = 3*100 + 3*10 + 3*1 = Rs.331 (leaving out first term in step 1)
If N =2, we would have had,
Amt = 1 * 1000 + 2 * 100 + 1 * 10 = Rs.1210
CI = 2 * 100 + 1* 10 = Rs.210
43. Suppose the price of a product is first increased by X% and then decreased by Y% , then, the final change % in the price is given by:
Final Difference% = X - Y - XY/100
Eg) The price of a T.V set is increased by 40 % of the cost price and then is decreased by 25% of the new price. On selling, the profit made by the dealer was Rs.1000. At what price was the T.V sold?
Applying the formula,
Final difference% = 40 – 25 - (40*25/100) = 5 %.
So if 5 % = 1,000
Then, 100 % = 20,000.
Hence, C.P = 20,000
& S.P = 20,000+ 1000= 21,000
44. Where the cost price of 2 articles is same and the mark up % is same, then, marked price and NOT cost price should be assumed as 100.
Where ‘P’ represents principal and ‘R’ represents the rate of interest, then, the difference between 2 years’ simple interest and compound interest is given by P * (R/100)2
The difference between 3 years’ simple interest and compound interest is given by (P * R2 *(300+R))/1003
If A can finish a work in X time and B can finish the same work in Y time then both of them together can finish that work in (X*Y)/ (X+Y) time.
If A can finish a work in X time and A & B together can finish the same work in S time then B can finish that work in (XS)/(X-S) time.
If A can finish a work in X time and B in Y time and C in Z time then all of them working together will finish the work in (XYZ)/ (XY +YZ +XZ) time
If A can finish a work in X time and B in Y time and A, B & C together in S time then
C can finish that work alone in (XYS)/ (XY-SX-SY)
B+C can finish in (SX)/(X-S); and
A+C can finish in (SY)/(Y-S)
47. In case ‘n’ faced die is thrown k times, then, probability of getting atleast one more than the previous throw = nC5/n5
When an unbiased coin is tossed odd no. (n) of times, then, the no. of heads can never be equal to the no. of tails i.e. P (no. of heads=no. of tails) = 0
When an unbiased coin is tossed even no. (2n) of times, then,
P (no. of heads=no. of tails) = 1-(2nCn/22n)
P (no. of heads=no. of tails) = 1-(2nCn/22n)
49. Where there are ‘n’ items and ‘m’ out of such items should follow a pattern, then, the probability is given by 1/m!
Eg)1. Suppose there are 10 girls dancing one after the other. What is the probability of A dancing before B dancing before C?
Here n=10, m=3 (i.e. A, B, C)
Hence, P (A>B>C) = 1/3!
= 1/6
Eg)2. Consider the word ‘METHODS’. What is the probability that the letter ‘M’ comes before ‘S’ when all the letters of the given word are used for forming words, with or without meaning?
P (M>S) = 1/2!
= 1/2
Calendar repeats after every 400 years.
Leap year- it is always divisible by 4, but century years are not leap years unless they are divisible by 400.
Century has 5 odd days and leap century has 6 odd days.
In a normal year 1st January and 2nd July and 1st October fall on the same day. In a leap year 1st January 1st July and 30th September fall on the same day.
January 1, 1901 was a Tuesday.
51.For any regular polygon, the sum of the exterior angles is equal to 360 degrees, hence measure of any external angle is equal to 360/n (where n is the number of sides)
For any regular polygon, the sum of interior angles =(n-2)*180 degrees
So measure of one angle is (n-2)/n *180
If any parallelogram can be inscribed in a circle, it must be a rectangle.
If a trapezium can be inscribed in a circle it must be an isosceles trapezium (i.e. oblique sides equal).
52. For an isosceles trapezium, sum of a pair of opposite sides is equal in length to the sum of the other pair of opposite sides (i.e. AB+CD = AD+BC, taken in order)
53.For any quadrilateral whose diagonals intersect at right angles, the area of the quadrilateral is
0.5*d1*d2, where d1, d2 are the length of the diagonals.
For a cyclic quadrilateral, area = root((s-a) * (s-b) * (s-c) * (s-d)), where
s=(a + b + c + d)/2
s=(a + b + c + d)/2
Further, for a cyclic quadrilateral, the measure of an external angle is equal to the measure of the interior opposite angle.
Area of a Rhombus = Product of Diagonals/2
54. Given the coordinates (a, b); (c, d); (e, f); (g, h) of a parallelogram , the coordinates of the meeting point of the diagonals can be found out by solving for
[(a + e)/2, (b + f)/2] = [(c + g)/2, (d + h)/2]
55. Area of a triangle
55 1/2*base*altitude
56 1/2*a*b*sin C (or) 1/2*b*c*sin A (or) 1/2*c*a*sin B
57 root(s*(s-a)*(s-b)*(s-c)) where s=(a+b+c)/2
58 a*b*c/(4*R) where R is the circumradius of the triangle
59 r*s ,where r is the inradius of the triangle
56. In any triangle
60 a=b*cos C + c*cos B
61 b=c*cos A + a*cos C
62 c=a*cos B + b*cos A
63 a/sin A=b/sin B=c/sin C=2R, where R is the circumradius
64 cos C = (a^2 + b^2 - c^2)/2ab
65 sin 2A = 2 sin A * cos A
66 cos 2A = cos^2 (A) - sin^2 (A)
57. The ratio of the radii of the circumcircle and incircle of an equilateral triangle is 2:1
58. Appollonius Theorem
In a triangle ABC, if AD is the median to side BC, then
AB2 + AC2 = 2(AD2 + BD2) or 2(AD2 + DC2)
59.In an isosceles triangle, the perpendicular from the vertex to the base or the angular bisector from vertex to base bisects the base.
In any triangle the angular bisector of an angle bisects the base in the ratio of the other two sides.
60. The quadrilateral formed by joining the angular bisectors of another quadrilateral is always a rectangle.
61. Let W be any point inside a rectangle ABCD, then,
WD2 + WB2 = WC2 + WA2
62. Let a be the side of an equilateral triangle, then, if three circles are drawn inside this triangle such that they touch each other, then each circle’s radius is given by a/(2*(root(3)+1))
63.Distance between a point (x1, y1) and a line represented by the equation
ax + by + c=0 is given by |ax1+by1+c|/Sq(a2+b2)
Distance between 2 points (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) is given by
Sq((x1-x2)2+ (y1-y2)2)
Sq((x1-x2)2+ (y1-y2)2)
64. Where a rectangle is inscribed in an isosceles right angled triangle, then, the length of the rectangle is twice its breadth and the ratio of area of rectangle to area of triangle is 1:2.
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